Chapter 34

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Ashton's POV:

"Hey can you guys take me home?" I ask the boys I really need to get home.

"Yeah sure, just give me the address." Liam says as he gets into the drivers seat.

"Why won't you come home with me baby?" Luke says seductively in my ear. What's going on with him? From trying to be seductive secretly in the cafe? He's been so I don't know, needy sense we got to this place and I need to get away from him for a while.

"You're acting really strange and I don't like it, so I want to go home." I snap at him. I hear him huff and remove his arm from around my shoulder. I take a small glance at Louis and he gives me a sympathetic smile and I give him a small one back too.

'What's wrong with Luke?' I mouth to him so no one can hear, thanks god he can read lips.

'I don't know Mate.' He shrugs but I have a feeling he's lying. He goes back to cuddling into Harry.

A couple minutes later we arrive at my house and pull into my driveway.

"Are you coming with me Mikey?" I ask simply just wanting my best friend with me.

"Yeah sure Ash." He pecks Calum on the cheek and slides out the car first. I look over to Luke and he isn't even looking at me.

"Hey Lukey?" I try to get his attention by putting my hand on his shoulder. He shrugs it off with force and I can't help but let tears brim my eyes. What did I do?

"Douche" I hear Louis and Harry both mutter under their breaths.

"I love you" I lean and whisper but I get no response at all. Whatever, I sigh as I climb out the car. As I close the door I hear a sharp hissing noise coming from Luke's mouth, someone must have slapped him I have no doubt in mind that it's probably Louis.

"Come here Ash." Michael says as he pulls me into a warm hug as I enter the door.

"It's whatever, let's go to the music room I have an idea or a new song." Michael smirks at me and we are on our way.

Michael's POV:

Poor Ash. Luke has been so rude lately sense we entered the cafe I don't know what's gotten into him.

"What's it called?"

"You'll see, but it's about Luke." He sniffles and I know he's trying hard not to cry.

"I don't know what's up with Hemmings today, I wish I could help." I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair, this boy seems to be in a trance he doesn't even move.

"Me too." He snaps out of his gaze and starts writing down lyrics and I can't tell by his face he is already done, Damn that was hella fast.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask

"Sure Mikey, thank you." He looks up from his lyrics and gives me the biggest smile ever.

I love it when my best friend is happy. Why does Luke have to start being such a dick?

*School day*

Ashton's POV:

It's almost lunch time thank the gods of this world. I hope Luke is chilled out from yesterday, lunch could go well or it could end badly. I'm walking along with Calum and Michael into the cafe, we open the doors and I hear gasps from all around me. People are just starting at me, the hell?

"What's going on?" I whisper to the boys next to me.

"I don't know Mate." Calum says as they both swing their arms over my shoulder. We sit down at our table and Luke is no where to be seen.

"Umm Ash, turn around." Michael says looking a little in easy and very angry. Calum seems to have the same expression.

"What's u-." Oh my gosh. There he is, that sun of a bitch I call my boyfriend is basically letting this whore rape him in the middle of the cafe. I can't help but let tears start to fall down my face.

"H-how?" I choke on a sob.

I can't take this I need to see what's going on. I get up from the table and wipe away my tears as I march over to the table where the scene is taking place.

"L-Luke?" I stutter. He looks up like a deer caught in headlights.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh I don't know, maybe I'm here because this is where I eat along with the rest of the school. Which again is a place for eating not sucking people's faces." I spat sarcastically placing both hands on my hips. By now the whole cafeteria is staring as us even the freaking lunch ladies, Calum and Michael run to my side. Oooh Dylan and Raquel are as well and Dylan looks pissed.

"How could you Luke?" I croak out as I stare into his deep blue eyes and I can't even make out what he's feeling.

"I told you not to break his heart Luke! Look at the mess you caused, I should have kept Ash away from you and we wouldn't be in this mess." Dylan spats at Luke in disgust.

"I don't know what your talking about." He snaps. What's happening?

"You're MY freaking boyfriend!!! What are you doing with this whore?" I don't even know who the hell this girl is, she seems to be a cheerleader. I hear gasps form around the whole cafeteria.

"I trusted you Luke. Oh and I wrote you a song. Here!" I toss him my lyrics book where it has a bookmark.

"I think I have a better idea. This song I'm about to sing for you right now may not say f!ck you but the hell it is. It goes a little bit like this." I say sassily, as I clear my throat and start to sing.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Hahahahahaha I smirk at his lower area while singing that part and people start snickering and whispering about Luke. Everyone thinks you have a small dick now, besides the whores in this school that know the real truth.

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories I wish I could escape

'Cause I'm not fine at all

"I loved you Luke. I only gave you one chance and you just had to go and mess it up. We're done." Another single tear runs down my face.

"Let's go guys." I spat as my TRUE friends walk behind me and out the cafeteria doors. Before the doors close I hear a Luke Hemmings scream for me to come back, too late.

"What just happened?" I ask, the tears are no longer coming down my face.

"Luke Hemmings just made the biggest mistake of his life."

Michael, Calum, Dylan, and Raquel all say in unison.

"The 1D boys are here." Calum whispers to me.

"We are leaving Luke here." I demand.

"Hell yeah we are." Michael cheers.

"Thanks Dyl and Raq I appreciate it, but we gotta go."

"Good luck guys." They wink as they walk off.

"What are we gonna do about the band?" Michael asks in sadness.

"I don't know, but we may or may not need to find a new lead singer. I still haven't decided yet." I sigh while dropping my shoulders.

What am I gonna do. We have a tour to go on, and I'm not sure how I can face Luke.

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