Chapter 23

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No one's POV:

It's 7:00 and the boys are still asleep cuddled into each other. Not too long ago they confessed their love for each other, but Ashton still has his doubts. Everyone at least deserves one chance, and he's going to give Luke one but one wrong move and it's all over. Luke has one chance and that's all he's going to get.

Ashton's POV:

Woah! Who turned on the lights?

While opening my eyes I am met with the blazing sun and a warm body underneath me. I can't adjust my eyes right away but when I do I look up and my face meets with the gorgeous Luke Hemmings.

His lips are slightly parted and his eyelashes are really long. The sun makes his face sparkles.

That's right Luke Robert Hemmimgs is a vampire!

Hahahaha psych!

He's an actual human being. His hair is still in a quiff but it's quite damp. A piece of hair falls in front of his face and I carefully move it back to its original spot. I look at the rest of our bodies and I'm lying on top of him, my legs resting long on his. My arms are around his torso his arms are around my shoulders. I feel safe in his arms and I feel this is where I need to be.

I look at him with love in my eyes. I want to wake him up but he looks so peaceful that I don't want to wake him up. I tilt my head to the side a little and lean down to rest my lips on his. He doesn't move at first so I take the next step and start moving my lips with his.

He suddenly starts moving his with mine and we are in sync with each other at a slow speed. Before it gets too heated I open my eyes and my hazel ones meet with his icy blue ones. A small smile forms on his lips as so does one on mine.

"Good Morning Beautiful." He whispers while kissing my forehead.

"Morning Lukey." I giggle as he goes to run his long fingers through my hair.

"So... Am I Luke Hemmings finally allowed to call you Ashton Irwin my boyfriend?" He asks while smiles even bigger than before.

"Yes Luke, you can." I lean down and kiss his lips softly.

"Mmm" he hums in contentment as he flips us over and he's hovering over me with each arm next to my head and sets his legs in between mine.

"I love you Luke."

"And I love you Ashton." He places a kiss on my lips.

Luke's POV:

YES!!!! FINALLY!!!! I am probably the luckiest guy on the face of this Earth. Luke Hemmings is now taken by the gorgeous Ashton Irwin. I feel like screaming it at the top of my lungs. He loves me too this is the most amazing thing ever.

"I would love to stay like this all day, but I think you should take me home now." He giggles, awww he's so cute.

"You are so adorable babe." I wink at him as I get off of him and hold out my hand so he can take mine.

"How are we gonna come out to the school?" He asks me while we walk back up the steps to the beach house.

"I think we should tell our families first." I look down at him.

"Yeah, that's true."

"But we will come out soon Ash I promise"

"Cross your heart and hope to die?" He stops short and I almost run into him.

"I don't want to hope to die, because I just got the love of my life and I don't want to leave him." I lean down and kiss his lips and he slowly moves his with mine them pulls away.

"That was so cheesy Luke." He chuckles.

"Only for you. Now let's get you home, oh and you can keep my clothes you look really good in them. Especially my sweatshirt." I wink at him while a blush creeps on his face.

"Thank you."

"Anytime lovely."

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