Chapter 38 (Final Chapter)

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Hey Guys!! Thank you so much for reading this story it means so much to me. I'm sorry to say this is the last chapter, but on the bright side there's going to be a sequel!!!! Get pumped readers!! I will start writing soon, I love you all <3

Ashton's POV:

"Uhh hey Luke." I look at my somewhat sweaty palms.

"Are you nervous?" He looks at me with a smirk on his face.

He turns around to lock the door and he keeps taking little steps towards me until I'm against a wall.

"Yeah. Why are you umm so close?"

"You are so beautiful Ashton. What I did was a mistake, kissing that girl was a mistake. I don't know what came over me, I love you so much and I ruined the only chance I have with you."

"Everyone deserves a seconds chance though right?" He leans down and whispers that last part in my ear.

"Proving to me to give you another a chance this probably isn't the way to do it." I snap slightly pushing him off of me.

"What will it take baby?"

"Don't call me that Luke." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't you love me Ash?"

"Yes, but I can't do this right now. You need to prove to me that you deserve a second chance." I brush past him and get slowly into bed facing away from where he's standing.

"As-" he starts.

"Not now Luke I need a nap." I hear him sigh he starts to make his way over to me and whispers softly.

"I love you, I will get you back that's a promise."

*A couple hours later.*

"Morning sleepy head." I flutter my eyes open only to be met with Luke's blue orbs.

"What time is it?" I yawn sitting up and why is this boy waking me up right now.

"As you may know you slept through the whole night and it just so happens to be 9 in the morning." Oh man there's that smirk.

"How long have you been staring at me."

"Not long." A mischievous glint in his eyes.


"Okay okay I just woke up but I can't help but notice how cute you are when you're asleep." He winks at me and kisses my cheek.

"Ugh. Don't kiss me." I push him off the bed and he lands with a groan and chuckle afterwards.

"Feisty, I like it." He mumbles from the ground.

"LUKE! ASHTON! YOU'RE TOUR BUS IS HERE!!" A loud Louis sounds from downstairs, damn that boy has a voice.

"Duty calls. Get off your ass Hemmings."

"You are so hot." I hear him sigh as I walk out the door and downstairs.

The front door is open and I can see a huge bus outside and Luke rushes past me and onto Calum's shoulders.

"This thing is huge." He calls from a distance. Stepping outside I gasp at what's in front of us.

This huge tour bus has our names on it, our band name, and a huge picture of us from our first performance on live TV.

"Woah." I spat out. The boys all run to hug me and I notice everyone starts crying.

"Is this really it?" Michael says beside me.

"Yes Mikey, it is." We all pull back and Louis speaks up.
"Get dressed, pack up, and move into your new temporary home for the next year. It's Tour Time Boys!!"

Yes it is.
Hey guys!!! The sequel is now up! It's called One Way Or Another. Hope y'all like it <3

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