Chapter 22

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Luke's POV:

I'm taking Ashton to Cal and I's family beach house that's about half an hour away.

I know what your asking.. Why am I bring him to our beach house? Well I'm not trying to get him uncomfortable. I would never make him do anything that he wouldn't want to do.

"Uhh! Luke! Please tell me where we are going??" Ashton whines.

"Now now Ashy. If I told you where we were going it wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it?"

"But I don't like surprises.

"Well trust me. You'll like this one." I grab his hand in mine and lay it my arm rest. He doesn't pull away so I guess that's a good sign

"Your hands are small."

"No! Your hands are just huge." He scowls.

"I guess I'm just used to using my hands a lot." I wink towards him and he just makes a face.

"That's nasty."

*2o minutes later*

"We're here!" I tell a sleepy Ashton.

"Wake up babe. You will have plenty of time to sleep later."

"Thank- what are we doing at a beach house?" He yawns staring in front of him.

"Just thought I'd take you somewhere nice."

"If this is you trying to get us to hook up, I'm not interested." He crosses his arms and stays put.

"Just get out of the car please?" I pout jutting out my lip ring on purpose.

"Ugh! Fine."

Ashton's POV:

A beach house? Really Luke?

We walk up to really nice glass doors and they are huge. Luke takes out his keys and opens the door for us. We walk inside and it's absolutely beautiful.

"Here let me show you around first."

"Okie Dokie."

He links his arm with mine and guides us over to the kitchen. It has so much space. It linked with the living room and there's a flight of spiral stairs.

"So welcome. Here's the kitchen where we cook and dine."

"Oh wow I never knew you could do that in a kitchen!" I say sarcastically.

"Oh hush."

He takes my hand and drags me across the hardwood floors and up the stairs, which are huge I might add. We stand in front of the first door.

"Okay. Here is the game room/movie room."

"Oh my gosh! This is sweet! No way you have like everything."

"Yeah I know." Cocky much?

He leads me too another room.

"This is Cal's room." There is a connecting door on the other side of the room. He has a freaking walk in closet and his own bathroom.

"That door over there leads to my room." He points to it and we make our way over.

"Let's go."

"Don't try anything Hemmings." I jab my finger into his chest.

"I would never princess." He really needs to stop calling me that.

"Woah! Your room is huge."

I walk in further and spin around in circles in an open area. I spin so much that I literally trip and fall onto his bead that's like smack dab in the middle of the room.

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