Chapter 21

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Luke's POV:

"What am I going to wear Calum!!!!" I shake up my brother from his nap he looks at me with the coldest glare ever....... Oh well!

"Go away man!"

"Do you want me to crash an burn tonight? Do you not want me to find love? How could an older brother not want that for his younger brother." I put my hand on top of my forehead and then start to pull at my blonde quiff.

"Dude, don't hurt yourself. Of course I want that for you, but I also want sleep. I'm freaking tired, after all the work you made me do for this whatever it is!!"

"Please help me!!"







"Bloody hell shut the hell up. I'll help you." He groans getting up.

"Yay!! I already took my shower so to the closet!!" I yell while running like a maniac. I start throwing crap around and I don't notice the small 'humph' from behind me.

Hahahahahahaha. Cal has my clothes on his head!

"This isn't fu- Hey I like this outfit."

I threw to him my favorite Band Tee. 'Nirvana', it has the arms cut off. He tossed it to me followed by a pair of black skinnies.

"Thank you Cal Pal!!!" I rush into my bathroom to finish styling my hair. I put in some Armani Cologne and I know that I'm ready.

While running down the stairs Calum is trailing behind me.

"Don't you think you need shoes, keys, and your wallet?" He smirks at me and I just want to wipe it of his face.

"Oh whatever." I grab my Chuck Taylor's and yell back to my brother.

"I won't be back until tomorrow!!"

"I'm coming for you bed!!!" I hear once I slam the door closed.

It takes me a while to get to Ashton's house but I eventually get there and notice his car is in the driveway.

As I make my way up to the door I get butterflies in my stomach as I knock. The door flies open and a very adorable Ashton Irwin in right in front of me.

"Ready to have the time of your life?"

"Yeah. Let's go." Awe he is so cute when he blushes. I really hope by the end of tonight he will be mine.


Next chapter is the date! So excited! <3

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