Chapter 7

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Luke's POV:

Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. I can't get the dimpled boy out of my mind. Yes he's a geek but he's a cute geek, I want him so badly but he just won't even consider giving me a chance. I can be maybe a bit conceded..... Okay maybe a lot but it's just who I am.

Ashton floats out of my mind because I am freaking starving. Making my way towards the cafe I hear footsteps behind me and a hand on my shoulder turning me around.

"Stay the hell away from Ashton!" I meet my eyes with Dylan. I hate this kid maybe even more that Michael.

"And why would I do that?" I ask innocently.

"Because everyone knows you're a slut. Like seriously you sleep around like it's no ones business. I really don't want Ash around you because I know how he works. He gets attached to someone and he ends up falling in love then getting hurt. I also know how you work, you try and seduce every person you see and they get hurt. I don't want him to be one of your 'boy toys'".

"Are you quite finished?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Yes. Stay. Away." He pokes me in the chest and walks away.

"He will be mine!" I yell but he's already turning the corner. That dickhead just wasted 10 minute of my eating and flirting time. I open the doors to the cafe and all eyes land on me, I'm the only one standing. Making my way down the walkway I get my lunch and try to find a table and Calum. I'm looking around and people are still staring at me as I see my brother and notice he's with Ashton and.... Michael? and their holding hands? I start to make my way over there and Michael just glares at me. It's still silent oddly enough and I look at everyone.

"Go back to what your doing!" I yell. Instantly people go back to their business.

"Hey princess." I whisper in Ashton's ear and I feel him tense instantly.

"Don't call me that." He says through gritted teeth.

"Aw don't be like that babe."

"Either sit down or go away." He dismisses me. I take a seat right next to him and scoot a little closer to him.

"Move your ass away Hemmings." Michael grunts at me and I see Calum trying to calm him down.

"So Cal I see you got a new 'boy toy'." I smirk at him and I see anger in Mikey's eyes.

"Luke I'm done with that. Michael is my boyfriend and I don't intend on ever hurting him. I'm done sleeping around like you." He scoffs at me. I put my hands to my heart and act sad.

"Now Cal I'm your brother please don't talk to me like that." He rolls his eyes and chuckles silently.

"Plus what if I said in done as well?" I ask to Calum but Ashton answers instead.

"Psh. Yeah right."

"Hey I can change baby. For you I would do anything." I say sincerely. I seriously would change for him if he just gave me a chance. I put my hand on his knee and he tenses under my touch.

"I gotta go to the toilet." He starts to sniffle and walks away. I start to get up to follow him when Calum calls to me.

"Bro, leave him alone." I roll my eyes at him.

"You can't tell me what to do." I follow Ashton into the bathroom and I notice no one else is in here. He's leaning over the sink muttering words under his breath.

"What's wrong Ash?" I ask with no silliness in my voice he honestly looks upset.

"Umm nothing, Luke." He looks over at me sadly. I walk closer to him and he starts to back away.

"Hey chill I won't do anything. Please tell me what's wrong." I plead and take him into my arms as he wraps his arms around my torso.

"It's just. No one has ever tried this hard to get into a relationship with me because I feel like a nobody. All I get is hurt and I don't want to get hurt anymore. Michael Is always the one that gets picked, for everything. He always has perfect relationships and I really want someone who really cares about me like Calum cares about him." He sniffles a couple more times.

"I could be that person love. I can change if you at least gave me a chance."

"I don't know of I can believe you. I don't really trust you with my mind let alone with my heart. I can't get hurt again and I won't."

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" I whisper.

"No!" He pulls away and tries getting away from me.

"Hey, calm down! I'm trying here... Please Ashton?" I plead making puppy dog eyes at him.

"Not a chance, but if you want to keep trying to win me over good luck but I like this little game of.

"Playing hard to get."

"And it's just as easy as YOU are easy." He smirks at me emphasizing the 'you' and walks out the door. I am standing there by myself just me and my thoughts, and a huge smirk forms on my face.

"Game on Ashton."

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