Chapter 14

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Luke's POV:

We're in!!! Bloody hell yes!

"This is amazing. My gosh Ashton I could just kiss you right now." I rush up to him with an excited look on my face.

"Don't even try." He holds his palm up to me as my lips make contact with it. I hear the others laughing beside me and I don't think that's okay. I was so close..... Okay no I wasn't but it was worth a shot.

"We need a band name." Cal speaks up after pulling away from him and Michaels' kiss.

"What?! You get to kiss Michael but I can't kiss Ashton?!?!? This world is flucked up man."

"Their boyfriends dumbass. You and I are not." Ash speaks up with a glare and a cheeky smile forms on my face.

"Not yet anyways babe." I wink at him for an added effect.

I look over at Mikey and Cal and notice Michael is literally trying to hurt himself because he's thinking too hard on a name. I don't seem to be the only one that notices.

"Don't hurt yourself there babe." Cal speaks up after a minute when he notices more of Mikey's heavy concentration.

"Ooh!! I know!!" He snaps his fingers coming out of his trance. We all lean into him slightly in anticipation it's quiet for a minute but he literally freaks out surprising all of us as we take a startled jump back.


"Damn bro chill the hell down." Ash goes to cover his ears.

"I think I have the perfect name." Cal speaks up while shaking the ringing out of his ears.

"You better not freak out either mate."

"5 Seconds Of Summer"

Ashton's POV:

"5 Seconds of Summer" Calum speaks up.

Luke goes over to him and tackle him in a huge hug.

"IT'S PERFECT!!!" He screams.

Okay I'm have enough with their damn screams. Michael is yelling at Luke to get off Calum, and Luke is screaming back on how the two brothers are in a secret relationship. Which I instantly gag at, and Calum just looks scared as sh!t hiding his ears like his life depends on it. They keep screaming and I instantly get an idea. I walk over to my drum set pick up my drum stick and play nosily on my instrument that finally gets their attention.

"Stop with the fighting and screaming y'all are not bloody babies. You're scaring Calum for crying out loud. Now I think the set up is perfect but we need to schedule an appointment with the record company explaining we are making a band. In the mean time we should be working on a song together to preform for them." I inform them because they clearly need it.

"Let's think of song ideas bitches!!" Luke fist pumps in the air.

"Okay so Calum you're on the Bass Guitar and vocals. Michael you're on the Guitar and Vocals. Luke you're on Guitar and you have potential to be on lead vocals. I will be on the drums." I point to each of the boys on their specialties.

"Hey now. How come we only get the vocals and you don't that's not very fair now is it? Your voice needs to be heard too Ash." Mikey looks over at me sympathetically.

"Not really guys my voice isn't as big as all of yours." I face my head to the ground.

"Ashton. Can you look at me?" Luke speaks up as he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"You have an amazing voice. Clifford here has a good point for once you deserve to me heard just as the rest of us."

"Heeeeyyyy!!" Mikey whines at Luke

"Not my fault." He put my hand up in defence and I can't help but chuckle a little.

"Yeah okay if you guys think so."

"We don't think so babe. We know so." Luke gives me a peck on the forehead and I wrap him in a hug. For some reason if feels right at this moment.

"Thanks Luke." I look up at him considering how much taller he is than me.

Luke's POV:

He's so damn cute.

I want him to be mine badly.

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