Chapter 32

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Steal My Girl!!!!! It got leaked and it literally blew me away. Their voices have changed so much over the years. We are literally the best fandom ever. Directioners 4 ever!!


Ashton's POV:

"What are we doing today boys?" I groan. We are so bored, there is noting to do."

"Let's invite over the One Direction boys and do a twitcam to get our twitters noticed and maybe make our own for the band." That is the best idea any of us have ever came up with.

Well besides the band of course.

"Great idea Cal." I pat him on the shoulder as I pull out my phone to call Niall.


"Ashley!!!" Really Ni Really?

"Seriously Horan."

"Hahahaha whatcha want buddy?"

"Get the rest of the boys and come by Luke and Calum's house. We wanna do a twitcam with you guys so we can promote our twitters and make one for our band."

"Great idea! We're on our way." The line goes dead fast.

"Get y'all lazy asses ready!!!" I yell across the house.

Niall's POV:

"Liam" ugh wake up you dolt.

"Payno?" Lazy ass.

"Li Li?" I lean into his face and full on kiss him on the lips. I love the feel of his lips on mine they fit perfectly together. Eventually he groans into the kiss and his tongue meets with my bottom lip. Hahaha not happening Payne. I pull away before he can protest.

"Wakkkee upp Liaamm!!" I sing in his ear loudly.

"5 more minutes." He mumbles into his pillow. A smirk forms on my face as a light bulb goes on.

"No wake, no kisses." He jolts up in his position and I can't help but giggle.

"The boys and I are getting ready. For being the Daddy of the group you aren't doing so well." I huff.

"Where we going?"

"If you were awake you'd know. We're heading over to Calum and Luke's place for a twitcam." He gasps in happiness.

"I love twitcam's!!! Why didn't you just say so?" He runs up to his room in a hurry.

Ugh! What am I gonna do with him.

*An hour later*

"The party has arrived!" We burst through the door without warning and Luke is on top of Ashton in a full on snog.

Ashton's POV:

"Luke stop! We need to set up." I shriek as he pulls me other his shoulder and lies me down on the couch.

"After this." He hovers over me with a smirk on my face.

"After w-" I feel lips attach to mine and a strong body hovers over mine.

"Wait Luke what about Michael and Calum?" He pulls away for one minute detaching his lips from mine.

"Out" kiss "at" kiss "store". I love this.

"My gosh just kiss me." I rush out.

"My pleasure." He smirks.

His lips connect to mine again and I can't help but smile into it. I feel his tongue come in contact with my lower lip but I'm not giving it to easily. When he picks up what I'm putting down he grunts and his hands fly to my sides and they make their way to my bum. He lifts my bum off the couch and it comes in contact with his lower torso and my lips part in a gasp, he takes that as an opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips and he starts swirling his tongue with mine.

It starts to get more heated and I have my limits but right now my limits just slip through my brain and I can't control myself so I bring my hips up to meet his and the movement makes us both moan at the contact. Just as he goes to slip my shirt over my head the front door bursts open with a loud Niall making his way inside. We don't disconnect from each other though we are both enjoying this too much.

"The party has arrived!!" He trails off as his eyes land on ours.

"Woah! What's going on here lads?"

"Making out. Got a problem?" Luke pulls away with sass and a prominent smirk forms on his face.

"N-no" Ni shakes his head to rid himself of the scene that just happened.

"Y'all are some horny teenage boys." Harry speaks up.

"Look who's talking." Michael jumps on his back.

"Now! Lashton. I think it time to set up for that twit cam don't ya think." Calum winks as he goes to set down the groceries in the kitchen.

"Lashton?" I cock my eyebrows and tilt my head in confusion.

"I came up with it!! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" Zayn says while he pushes Luke off of me ever so subtly.

"Then I believe Calum and Michael should be Malum." I smile with wide eyes.

Next thing I know I'm being tackled my Michael.

"Get off me ya lug." I huff using all my might to push him away.

"Let's make our twitter now." Calum Michael Luke and I all run over to the computer and make it as fast as we can while adding the twitters we have now to the main one we are making.

"Let's do some tweeting lads." Liam looks over to the other 1D boys.










@5SOS, @Ashton5SOS, @Michael5SOS, @Luke5SOS, Calum5SOS

Not even 5 minutes later our 4 twitters blow up constantly along with our new one. All of our accounts are all verified now!!! We all reach maybe 1,000,000 fans already.

"You're fans really are the best guys." I look at them in amazement.


We do have the best fans in the world. Thank you @Ashton5SOS for the kind words, we love our girls. Looks like @5sos finally have your fandom ;).

Oh my Gosh we are trending number one with #5SOSFAM!!

"Hey guys!!" Louis yells. I guess the cam has started already.

Welcome to a much well needed twitcam." Liam says

"We are One Direction." They all chorus together.

"And we have some very special guests with us today." Harry speaks in his low voice.

"HEY!!!" The 4 of us chorus at the same time while all running to the couch. Our faces are like smack dab in the middle of the camera.

"Woah boys!" Liam puts his hands up.

"Back it up, Back it up" Niall starts to do a loud noise. I don't know how, so don't ask.

We already have like a million people watching.

Zayn starts to speak up next.

"So 5 Seconds of Summer have a main account on twitter now along with their individual ones so keep it up. Keep following them. Tell your friends, and your friends friends." He says. Hahahaha Z is funny.

"Thank you guys so much. We are so excited to be going on this tour. We won't let y'all down." I announce and the other boys nod in agreement.

"Thanks so much everyone and see y'all soon at the Take Me Home Tour." Liam says and we all wave saying bye as we log off.

"GROUP HUG!!!" Niall screams bringing us all in.

Our lives are changing and I'm so happy to celebrate it with the people I love.

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