Chapter 18

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Soccer conditioning got canceled today and I am beyond upset. I haven't touched a soccer ball all summer or ever sense I got back to school. -__-


Luke's POV:

I can't believe it!!! We are signed. I pull Ashton into a huge hug and surprisingly he hugged me back. We look at Eric and he's looking at his phone and nodding his head.... Hmm that's weird. He finally looks up and speaks.

"I have the first deal of business for you boys. I hope you guys are up for it!" Eric says instantly.

"I have to confess to you guys that I was not the one that noticed you." We all give him the weirdest of looks and I can't imagine what he's talking about there's only so many possibilities of who noticed us first.

"What do you mean sir?" Michael speaks up after a while.

"Someone noticed Ashton and Michael's songs first. They suggests them to me and then when I got the call that 2 new boys are joining them to make a band. I told him so and They agreed to have you guys do something very important that will help your career."

"Who noticed us?" Ashton asks.

"I did!" A high pitched voice comes up from behind us. That voice sounds so familiar, where have we...... Wait! We all look at each other and turn around and our eyes fall out of our sockets and our hands cover our mouths.

Ashton's POV:


Michael's POV:


Luke's POV:


Calum's POV:


All's POV:

Stands before us is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction.

Louis' POV: (SURPRISE! :D)

I have been following Ashton and Michael for a year and they are bloody brilliant. Luke and Calum are as well, they are so strong together. Yes, I have been listening the whole time I have just been on the other side of the door.

I recorded them and sent it to the Lads and they all approve. They knew about Ash and Mikey when I did but I was the first one to say anything about it. When Eric told me about how they added two new members I new I had to check them out together. The lads and I just discussed their first order of business.

"Close your mouths boys. You might catch flies." I wink at them. I notice they all start to calm down.

"So boys, me and the other lads of One Direction just had a little discussion and we have a proposition for you."

"W-what is I-it." Ashton stutters.

"After you guys release your first single, which should be 'She looks so perfect'. How would you the lads of 5 Seconds of Summer like to come on our;

'Take Me Home' Tour?"

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