Chapter 5

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Ashton's POV:

The game is going great! Do you sense the sarcasm radiating off of me? No? Okay then.

The skins are winning 3-0 and my team basically sucks. The game sucked even before we started. I mean the obvious game Luke is trying to play. He obviously had to go and pick skins, Dick! And he decided to I guess 'try' and seduce me. Key words TRY people. He took off his shirt agonizingly slow while looking straight into my eyes, which felt like my soul and smirked at me the whole time.

I'm not gonna lie. He is really fit, but it's really annoying when he's constantly showing it off. I am playing forward which Luke is as well and I have to stand right in front of him. I suck at soccer let me tell you that right now I am probably worse than the worse player on the team. Luke decides he wants to call a timeout and run to coach and say something. He's planning something I just know it.

"Irwin!" Coach yells.

"Yes sir."

"Goalie, NOW!!" Oh great...... Wait what?!?

"Pardon me?" I ask sassily placing my hands on my hips.

"Get in the goal" I don't question him again and I make my way towards the goal. I notice there is no one on the field except, Luke!! I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Okay Ashton, Luke is gonna take a shot with you. One on One." 'Crap' I thought.

"Scared baby?" Luke taunts me from across the field.

"As if Hemmings." I glare at him back.

"You are so hot when your sassy."

"Just shut up and miss already." I smirk at him knowing I am actually very good at goalie, but I'm not gonna let him know that until he shoots.

"That's a problem because I'm not gonna miss babe."

"My gosh just shoot already!!" Dylan shouts out at Luke. I mentally chuckle and thank him.

Luke dribbles the ball up closer to me and sets it up. He steps back a couple feet and jumps up and down a little. He runs up to the ball and swings his leg back. I feel like I'm in a movie, the ball feels like it's going in slow motion. He shoots one way that the ball starts unknowingly going the other way. The ball then starts to get faster and the next think I know I am on the ground with the ball to my stomach.

I hear everyone gasp because Luke 'Footie Captain on Varsity for 4 years' NEVER misses a shot. Well today is going to be a little different. I get up and look at Luke, his mouth is almost reaching the grass and his eyes are out of his head just like everyone else. I smirk at blondie and kick the ball high in the air and it lands right in front of Coach and I run my way over to him passing Luke on the way. To have a little fun I smack his bum making him yelp. I hear him yelp then scoff at me and I can't help but chuckle.

"Damn Irwin, that was brilliant! How would you like to be Varsity's new goalie?" My mouth hangs open.

"What about Max?" I ask dumbfounded. Max is the best goalie in the state.

"Well he had a little issue over the summer and got injured so you got the spot. That's if you want it. We would be more than happy to have you on the team."

"Y-yeah sure t-that would be gr-great." I stutter then clear my throat afterwards.

"Thank you sir."

"With a move like that, anytime Ashton. Now go get changed!" I start to jog away but I feel a hand on my shoulder turning me around. I have a pretty good feeling on who it is. He leans down an whispers in my ear.

"Looks like we will be seeing more of each other gorgeous." He then sends a smirk my way and he slaps my ass before running into the locker room.

"Damn it"

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