Chapter 29

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Michael's POV:

We're going on Alan Carr??

How come they never told us, what the hell. The other boys have fear in their eyes you would be able to see it from a mile away.

"Why are we on Alan?" Luke looks over to me.

"No clue buddy, but I guess it makes sense for the 1D boys because of how big they are." He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not that bad lads. This is your chance to show everyone who the new recording artists of Capitol Records are and what you're made of." Louis says besides us and winks at us while he links his hand with Harry's.

We walk into the studio and THE Alan Carr makes his way over to us and I feel like I'm going to faint again.

"Hello boys, welcome. You must be 5 Seconds of Summer." He smiles brightly at us.

"Nice to meet y'all. The 1D boys will go on first and then they will introduce you to come out on stage with them." My gosh I love him.

"Gotcha." I wink at him.

"Alright boys see y'all soon." He waves at us as he turns around.

"This is crazy guys." I practically shout.

"No doubt." Ash smiles as he makes his way to the side of the stage.

*20 minutes later*

Harry's POV: (Surprise!!)

"So Harry, I heard you have something interesting to tell us." Alan looks over to me and I instantly get nervous.

"Yes sir Louis and I both." I wink at her and to the audience and everyone starts to go crazy and I hear a couple girls scream in the back.

"LARRY!!!" And I hear 2 boys? Oh wait haha that's Ashton and Michael. My gosh I love our fans so much.

I put my arm around my baby's shoulder and start to speak.

"Louis and I are in love. So for all you Larry shippers out there, the rumours are true." I speak confidently and everyone goes crazy yet again.

It goes quiet for a minute and there is a huge uproar in the crowd. I look over with Louis and Niall and Liam are lip locked on national television.

"Woah! Double Whammy." Ashton yells while running on the stage. What the hell is this boy doing?

It goes quiet as everyone looks at him.

"Umm so yeah. I'm just gonna go." He walks fast off the stage while rubbing the back of his head. People are whispering all around and Alan starts talking yet again.

"How interesting. Well I'm proud of all of you it's take some guts to come out like this and I wish y'all the best of luck. So on another note, Louis would you like to explain to us who that boy was and why he is here?"

"Yes I would." Louis looks out to the audience while still holding onto my hand.

"Everyone please welcome. New signed artists of Capitol Records;"

"5 Seconds of Summer."

Luke's POV:

'Oh my gosh Ashton! You can't just run on stage' I thought.

""Everyone please welcome. New signed artists of Capitol Records;"

"5 Seconds of Summer." That's our Que. We all walk on stage one after another with Ashton and Calum in front.

We all wave as we make our way to sit down and we hear wolf whistles from all the Directioners.

To have some fun and get some laughs I sit on the arm rest next to Louis that's closer to Alan. Michael is on Harry's lap, Luke is on Zayn's lap and Calum is laying across Niam. We got a lot of laughs and I can't help but chuckle myself.

"So boys. Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?"

"Yeah, I'm Luke Hemmings."

"I'm Ashton Irwin."

"I'm Michael Clifford."

"And I'm Calum Hood." We all say and wave to the audience yet again.

"I found Ashton and Michael doing covers and some of their own songs on YouTube." Louis speaks up.

"I contacted the founder of Hi or Hey Records about them but I told them with our help we would get them big. So we got Capitol Records to see the YouTube videos. I got contacted a while later saying that they added Luke and Michael to make a band so I went over to Hi or Hey Records and all 4 of them were their singing their soon to be first single." He finished off and I am so happy. Zayn starts to speak up now.

"We would like to announce that these boys are going to be our opening acts for our Take Me Home Tour." Everyone goes crazy.

"Well I'm excited to say that the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer are going to sing their first single now, go ahead boys."

We all get up and head to the instruments and microphones. Ashton counts us down and the music starts with the sick best of our first song together.

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