Chapter 27

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Luke's POV:

We are all enjoying ourselves at the park when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I don't look at who is calling but I slide my finger to answer anyways.

"Luke from 5 Seconds of Summer." I say professionally, hahahaha I like the sound of that.

"Yeah, hey Luke it's Louis. I was wondering if you boys could make your way to the studio. The rest of the boys will be with me and so will Simon. We need to talk over a few things." Okay okay stay calm Hemmings, don't scream yet.

Is this really happening right now? My gosh we are going to meet the rest of the boys!! Oh and Simon woah that's a lot to take in.

"Yeah sure I'll inform them and we will be on our way." I say with a surprisingly steady voice.

"Oh and bring the demo."

"Yes sir, see you in a little bit."

"Bye Luke!"


"AHHH!!" I fall on the floor.

"WHAT'S WRONG LUKE!!" Ashton runs to me and helps me off the ground.

"We. Need. To. Go. To. The. Studio. NOW!!" I yell in between breaths. By now the rest of the boys are running their way over to us.

"Why, what's up?" Calum says.

"Lads, we are going to be meeting the rest of One Direction." I say as I catch my breath.

"No way." Mikey squeals.

"There's more. Simon is going to be there too." The boys freeze on the spot.

"Let's not be late." Ashton says grabbing my hand and running to the car with Michael and Calum trailing behind us.

*30 Minutes Later*

Woo! We are on time! We walk into the doors and...... Oh no, that lady is here again. I hear the other boys groan behind me.

"Oh, it's you guys." She sneers. Wait hold up, what the actual hell is her problem.

"Umm yeah, and I don't think Mr. Hart would like to hear of how you have this kind of am attitude to the new signed band standing right in front of you." Michael sasses and put his hand on his hip.

"Word is... You guys won't be here any longer." She smirks.

"Wh-what do you m-mean?" Ashton stutters beside me.

"Yeah, you guys won't be here anymore. It can either be good for your band or absolutely horrible." She laughs.

"Oh buzz off. Let's go boys, we have much better things to do." I demand as we make our way over to the elevator.

I really hope that women gets fired.

When we get to the top floor we go to open the door and next thing we know we are all being attacked in hugs. What is going on?

I look over to the boys and they look like dears caught in headlights as well. The arms pull back and we are in total shock.

One Direction, the biggest boy band on the planet just hugged us.

"Hello boys." They all say in sync. Woah this is too good to be true.

"H-hi." We all stutter.

"You guys are hot!!" Niall yells.

"Woah Ni, chill." Liam chuckle putting a hand on his shoulder.

Niall James Freaking Horan called us hot.

"They are pretty hot though." We hear Harry whisper as Louis glares at him.

"Don't mind them." Zayn speaks up. That Bradford accent though.

"Well, I'm Luke."

"I'm Ashton."

"I'm Michael."

"And I'm Calum."

"And we are, 5 Seconds of Summer." We add with smirks knowing that's their bid.

"I like you guys already." Harry speaks up. Oh my gosh his voice is so deep.

We all look up when we hear an intimidating yet soothing voice speaks up.

"Hello boys. I'm Simon, but sense you lads are welcoming us on the tour you may call me Uncle Si." Did he seriously just say that. I think he did.

"T-thanks. We are very excited." Calum says.

Eric walks up to us and hands me the contract we all signed.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"We realized when Louis came to us and told us about you guys we knew that you 4 would be huge from the start. So I made you think you were signed with 'Hi or Hey Records', but you actually signed a contract for 'Capitol Records.'"

(A/N: Just go along with it.)

Ashton's POV:

All of our jaws drop and the One Direction boys have satisfied smiles on their faces.

"A-are you s-serious?" I stutter, this is crazy.

"100%" Eric says.

"This is crazy, thank you so much." Luke says.

"That's not all."

Oh my gosh, he can't be serious.

"The One Direction boys and Simon are here because we have set up an interview for the 9 of you so the fans have an update on the upcoming tour. You guys will be introduced as their opening act. The founders of Capitol Records are going to be there and you guys are going to perform 'She looks so perfect' after the talking part of the interview is done, and bam you guys have your first hit single. The boys' fans are the biggest fandom ever and you guy may just get your own."

The next thing I know I am fainting to the floor, but before I hit a strong pair of arms catches me and then all I see is black.

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