Chapter 35

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Luke's POV:

What the hell did I just do. Oh my gosh I'm such an idiot, why did I do that to Ashton. I just lost the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"YOU'RE GAY!!!" The cheerleader I was just sucking faces with gets off me in disgust.

"Y-yes." I sigh looking down.

"And how could you do that to such a sweet boy, I would have never done that if I knew that he was you're boyfriend! What the hell is wrong with you Luke!" She scolds at me as she runs out the room, probably to apologize to Ashton.

"Wait.... So your not upset because of my sexuality?" I look up in realization.

"No Luke, my own brother is gay I'm upset because you hurt such an amazing boy. I don't understand." She walks runs out of the cafe, probably to apologize to Ashton.

Ugh! I'm such a screw up. What about the band? What am I going to do?

Ashton's POV:

Just as we approach the 1D boys van the school doors open and the girl that was on Luke a minute ago is yelling at me to wait.

"What do you want?" I groan out.

"I am so so so sorry Ashton. If I knew that you guys were a thing I would NOT have kissed him back. You don't know how sorry I am. I'm not a whore either I promise I never gave myself away to anyone and I don't sleep around. I'm not like the other cheerleaders. I wish I could undo what just happened back there. You are such a sweet boy and if Luke has a hard time seeing that then it's his loss." A couple tears run down her cheeks and I know that she is sorry.

"I guess it's not your fault, and thanks."

"Can you forgive me?" She pleads.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Shayla." She says.

"Then Shayla I forgive you. I gotta go though but thanks for the apology."

"Holy shit is that One Direction?" She whispers.

"Yes ma'am." I wink at her.

"Sweet! Oh and good luck with the band Ashton, I am a huge fan." She say sincerely.

"Thanks." I blush lightly.

"Well bye Ash." She giggle as she runs inside.

I turn back around and open the door to the van where everyone turns to me.

"You okay Ashton? Mikey told us what happened." Niall asks.

"I'll be fine. I hope." I look over to the rest of the boys and they are all shaking their heads in anger, but Louis looks like he's about to kill someone.

"It's fine guys I'll be okay."

Somehow I don't believe that.

"No freaking way!" Louis exploded for what feels like the hundredth time today.

"Yes way." I sigh.

"Okay I have a confession to make." He says.

"I saw and heard something, the day of the cafe and you know how we had to sign things and take pictures?" He asks slowly.

"Yep, the day where Luke was acting strange?"

"Yes, well I overheard him talking with a couple of girls and they were literally all over him. He didn't do anything about it and he was flirting back." I knew it was too good to be true.

"I thought he was done with girls." A single tear slides down my cheek.

"It's okay Ash." He rests his hand on my shoulder.

"You know.... Harry and I started out like this." He looks down.

"Really? What happened?" I ask. I really want to know because my future with Luke means everything to me. I love him so much, but he lost his chance and he lost me.

"He did everything he could to make it up to me. Look where we are now." He says with so much love.

"Guys we're here." We pull up to the front of my house.

"Would you guys like to come inside?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah sure. By the way you and Michael need to pack like everything. When we're done then we will head over to Calum and Luke's place. You boys are in for a big surprise." Liam agrees and winks at us as we get out of the car.

Ashton and Michael's POV:

Uh oh.


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