Chapter 2

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Luke's POV:

I pull up in Calum and I's blue Audi r8 with Calum in the passengers seat. We are walking on the sidewalk through the doors and making our way down the hallways owning it like always. This is our school so we get our occasional greets like "hello's" and "mornings" we turn to each other and smirk as we walk to our lockers, we have the same lockers every year. We open our lockers at the same time and get all of our things. Me and Cal have all the same classes, which I love because I love my big brother, we are tight.

"We are gonna have a helluva year little bro." Cal says as he turns to me.

"You know it man and nothing is going to....."

"Hey baby!" I say as I stop in the middle of my sentence to pull my girlfriend Rachel? No wait that's not her name, I know it starts with an R. I pull her into a hug with a smile on my face. It then slowly fades away as she takes a step back.

"I'm breaking up with you Luke."

"What? Why? How could you break up with this?" I gesture to my body.

"That's just it, You are too full of yourself and we never talk like we used to and you NEVER get my name right so I'm done." She turn around and walks away, but I yell ahead of her.

"Your loss Rachel."

"It's Raquel! You Jackass!" She flips me off a she struts away faster. I close my locker and bang my head against it.

"Man dude, that's rough! Well I'll see you in class." Calum pats my back and starts to walk away.

"Love you!"

"Love ya too bro." I walk to my class without Calum and the next thing I know I am being knocked on the ground with a big weight on top of me.

"Hey! Watch where your...." I look up and my blue eyes meet the most gorgeous hazel brown eyes I have ever seen and they belong to the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

"I'm so sorry Luke." He stands up while brushing himself off meeting my eyes again.

"It's ight, I don't mind when cute boys fall for me." I wink at him for emphasis.

"Ugh! Typical." He mutters lowly to himself. I hear but I choose to ignore it..... This time.

"What's your name beautiful?"

"Umm Ashton, Ashton Irwin." He smiles a little bit but then snaps out of it.

"So, how about you make up falling on me by going out with me?" I ask with my amazing charm that he won't be able to turn down.

"Hold on let me think..... How about no." He says bluntly and walks away without hesitation. My jaw literally drops no one has ever rejected me before. I her the bell ring meaning that I need to get to class and I'm the only one left in the hall.

I make my way to my first class which is Algebra Honors.

(A/N: Be aware I'm not a senior so I don't know what classes they have)

I walk in and everyone goes quiet both girls and guys are making heart eyes at me. I walk in further into the room and see there is only one seat open, and ooh look who we have here! The one and only Ashton Irwin, this is going to be fun. I walk over and sit in the open chair and I wink at him when his eyes meet mine. He huffs and look at the front. I lean over and whisper to him;

"You will be mine"

Ashton's POV:

"You will be mine." Ugh Luke Hemmings you are such an idiot. 'You are crazy if you think you will get me to be yours' I thought. I look over to Michael and roll my eyes at him and he just chuckles.

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