Chapter 12

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Calum's POV:

Awww my baby and his best mate are getting a chance to live their dream. I am so happy for them yet, that should be me and Luke as well. He obviously has something planned when he heard their news and I caught on quickly he had 'that' look whenever he is determined. I make that look a lot too and it has just appeared huge on my face as I walk away with Michael. I know exactly what he's planning.

He wants me to talk to Mikey into letting all of us get together and form a band with the 2 boys.

"Hey babe?" I turn my head to look at my Michael. He turns to me after waving to a couple of girls along the way....... Wait?? Girls? That's weird.

"Yah mate?" He looks at me with love in his eyes.

"I was wondering.... If maybe you would want to let Luke and I join you and Ashton." I remove my arm from his shoulder as we walk outside and on 'our' bench outside.

"Okay, I have known you for how many years and I have NEVER heard you sing ever. Why are you just now telling me this?" He looks at me and shock and maybe shame.

"Hey now Mikey. What about you and Ashton? You never told me either how you guys can sing so I ask you the same question."

"Your right." He sighs in defeat.

"I guess we just both had secrets." I lean down and peck him on the cheek.

"I guess I don't have a problem with it but you guys would probably have to ask Ashton. This was his idea after all." He raises his eyebrows as we hear the bell ring.

"Don't worry gorgeous. I'm pretty sure Luke knows what he's doing. Have you seen the way Ash has been giving into him lately?" I ask him in wonder as we make our way to our first class.

"Yeah. I guess I have noticed like everyone else. I can't help but be scared for Ashton he's my best friend I don't want to see him get hurt." He says with teary eyes.

"Hey it's okay baby. I'm pretty sure Ash knows what he's doing as well. Plus Luke really is trying to with Ashton over and I think he's finally changing his player habits. Like I have been. You guys bring out the best in us."

"I love you." He says as we sit down in our seats.

"I love you too."

"I don't want you to say it like that. It just feels like your agreeing with me." I can definitely tell what he means.

"I love you" I peck his lips. I pull back and look at Luke a couple seats away from me. He smirks at me and puts his thumbs up in the air, I smirk back and we are gonna rock 'Hi or Hey Records' the 4 of us.

Ashton's POV:

"Hey Lukey?" I lean over and whisper softly so I can't be heard from the teacher. He turns to me with the biggest smile on his face probably a face I haven't ever seen before.

"Yes Ashy? Btw nice nickname for me sexy." He winks at me not so subtly. He emphasises his nickname for me.

"Wait first, why the hell are you smiling so big? It's kinda scaring me." I scratch the back of my neck trying to process what just happened.

"Oh nothing. Just that you sound so hot calling me 'Lukey'." The huge smile turns into his famous smirk.

OMG!!! Wow I am so slow. I called him freaking Lukey and I never even noticed. I slap my hand over my mouth clearly ashamed.

"Hey Ash, it's fine." He takes my hand and pulls mine away from my mouth and laces his bigger hand in my smaller one, I quickly pull my hand back after looking at them for what seemed like hours.

"Don't push it Hemmings. I called you by Lukey you aren't getting anything else."

I snap along with the biggest glare I could muster. I snapped so loud that everyone turns to look at us but what the actual hell, our teacher is deaf as fuck. Why is she even a teacher?

"Anyways." He rolls his eyes at me clearly getting a kick out of this, well we are on totally different pages right now buddy.

"So LUKE." I emphasise his name trying really hard not to call him Lukey again and he clearly reads my mind because he giggles at me. He freaking giggled I'm not gonna lie that was kinda cute.

"I assume Cal talked to Mikey..... So I advise you guys if you REALLY are serious about doing this with us you need to be at every single practice, and all the meetings I call. We have practices every Monday-Thursday and we upload to YouTube every weekend with a new song. You should probably head over with us after school because we have practice. To top it all off we need to call the record company to tell them what's up."

I throw as much information at him as I can and I hope he takes this bloody seriously.

"Maybe you should just give me your address and we will meet you there after school." Is he fucking serious? If he thinks he's getting my address then he needs to get his head fixed.

"No! How do I know you won't creep on me at night." I raise my eyebrow at him.

"If you haven't forgotten princess Cal and I share a car and we can't just leave it here. So please give me the address."

He pokes out his bottom lip making his lip ring more visible. I subconsciously lick my lips because he makes that piercing so beautiful and I usually don't know how piercings are beautiful. They must hurt like a b!tch but I guess I give him props for handling the pain.

"So b-beautiful." I sigh out in a whisper but with adoration in my tone of voice.

"Not too bad yourself Dimples." He leans in to peck my forehead and I guess he clearly forgot we were in a freaking classroom.

"Ugh, fine here's the address now you have to promise you guys commit to this because I don't want anyone messing up what Michael and I have worked on for years." I give him a stern look.

"Yeah okay we will. We promise babe." He winks at me.

The bell rings signalling for the next class which I don't have either him or Calum for. We get out of our seats and while walking out the door Luke pats my bum on the way out. I let out a whine that I don't know I was holding in and it was not a manly sound.

"By the way. Luke?"

"Yes beautiful?" Damn I'm blushing.

"No funny business when work is in progress no fooling around we need as much focus as we can without any of you or Cal's annoying ass charm. So get ahold of yourself and if not I will change my mind and me and Michael will be bigger then you would ever be." He clamps his mouth shut and purses his lips into a straight line and walks away.

'Thats what I thought Luke.'

This boy needs to learn that work time is work time nothing else. I hope he's up for the challenge. It shouldn't be too hard through because he's already got a challenge with me and he hasn't won that one yet.

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