Chapter 26

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Ashton's Pov

"That's a wrap boys." Luke's father (A/N: hahaha I totally thought of Dart Vadar for a second :D) voice booms through the other side of the recording booth.

"Thank you so much Mr. Hemmings, for everything." My best friend speaks up beside me.

"Yeah it really means a lot" I smile genuinely at him.

"Anytime, here is your demo also known as your new hit single." He hands it over to us and we all admire it for a good 2 minutes. He goes to leave and I follow him out leaving the other boys behind.

"Oh and Mr. Hemmings?" He turns to me with a big smile on his face.

"Yes Ashton?"

"Thank you for supporting Luke and I. I am in love with your son. At first I was a little wary of him but now I know I have nothing to worry about. Michael loves Calum too, we are getting to live our dream together things are really changing or all of us." I don't know why but I feel tears brimming the edge of my eyes.

"My boys are happy, I am happy. You and Michael are like family now. I've never seen them so in love with before, you are great boys I'm glad they found you. They can't ever stop talking about ya'll." He pulls me into a much needed hug I feel at ease knowing he approves.

"We won't let you down." I pull back and he ruffles my hair as he starts to walk away.

"I know Ash. I know." He turns back around and walks out the room.

"What was that all about?" I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and I instantly know who it is.

"Just a nice chat is all." I turn around and wrap my arms around his torso as he wraps his around my shoulders.

"Dad says we can skip out on the rest of school." He pulls away and smirks at me.

"What do you say we shall do?" I cock my eyebrow at him.

"I say, while Cal and Mikey are on their date at the park. We play some footie one on one." He walks out the door leaving me in surprise.

Oh no.

Michael's POV:

"Let's go with Luke and Ashton to the park and we can have our date there! Please!!!" This boy.

"Yeah. Fine"

"You don't sound so happy babe." He pouts.

"I love you Calum, so much. Of course I'm happy." I kiss his pout away

"I love you too Mikey." He smiles lovingly at me. Man this boy doesn't know what he's doing to me.

I drag Cal outside as he closes the door, the next think I know I feel pain and I'm lying on the ground. Calum I just laughing at me like seriously?!?!

"There's another door there babe." He chuckles. He goes to open the second door and starts to walk out. I don't follow him and he starts to notice so he walks back and pulls me up to kiss me on the place I hit my head.

"I'm sorry Mikey." He goes to turn around again and his face meets with the wall instead, didn't that just happen to me?? What a dope.

"My my, how the tables have turned" I laugh the loudest I ever had.

"This is going to be a long day." He sighs in defeat.

'This kid is such a dork, but he's my dork.' I thought.

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