Chapter 4

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Ashton's POV:

"So baby. You look good like this." Luke pushes me against the lockers and whispers in my ear. Honestly I am not enjoying this at all we are both half naked and I am so uncomfortable. I push Luke off me right away I mean come on hasn't this boy ever heard of personal space?

"Okay I really don't have time for this. Why don't you find someone else to screw around with because there's plenty of kids in this school as desperate and easy as you. I really would like to go to the field so if you would be so kind as to move out of my way I will be truly grateful." I growl at him with hate in my eyes, I can't stand this kid.

"Wow that hurts you really hit a nerve there Ashy. I think it would be a lot more appropriate if you used proper manners." He makes an innocent face but there's clearly a smirk there as well. I jab him with my finger to his chest as I push him back because I am becoming very aggravated.

"Move out of my way Hemmings and stay out of my way. This is Michael and I's year and we are gonna make it the best one this school has ever seen. So I would greatly appreciate it if this snotty, arrogant, and self-centred wannabe that's standing in front of me stays away from me." I take one last jab at his chest and run out if the locker room while I take my shirt with me.

This boy never seems to take a hint. I'm not interested. I run out onto the field where we are gonna be playing soccer and I still hear Luke calling my name. I see Michael and Calum super close together honestly Calum isn't so bad, it's Luke that's a total ass.

"Ashton wait!" He yells and I just ignore him. I make my way to the coach and sit down next to one of my other best friends' Dylan, and he pats my back and smiles at me as I sit down with everyone else. I notice we are late.

"It's about time Mr. Irwin." Coach say in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry sure I was a little held back sorry for the inconvenience Coach." He nods and gestures his hand pointing behind me and straight to Luke.

"Ahh I see, hey Captain we all know your probably either infatuated with Ashton or he's just a regular to you but get over it. You need to focus Hemmings."

Honestly I'm kinda offended. Is he implying I'm a distraction?, and is he saying I'm probably just another boy toy? It's Mr. oh-so-rich-kid that's the distraction, and I am not a toy for Luke and I never will be. I find this kinda funny though because Couch basically called him out as a slut.

"Sorry sir." Luke finally gets serious. Hahahaha I'm laughing so hard right now he is never serious.

"Hey Irwin why are you laughing? What the hell is so funny?" Coach yells at me. Luke looks over at me like I'm crazy but he's probably reading my mind as we speak.

"Nothing coach. Nothing at all." I say slowly as I smirk at Luke and he instantly glares at me.

"Okay so, today we are going to be playing a game of Footie. Luke sense you are team captain for the school team you pick the teams with...... Wait Where is Mr. Hood??" Coach shouts. Ooh man someone's gonna get benched. I have a satisfied loom on my face and Luke crawls over to me.

"I wouldn't look so satisfied right now Ashy, because your little Mikey isn't here either." I instantly get an idea.

"You know..... Michael is actually with Calum. I saw them leaving together." I say as a matter of fact. I look at Luke and he has a small glare on his face.

"That bastard." He mutters under his breath.

"Okay well Calum isn't here so let's see.... Ashton you pick the second team."

"Ugh." I scoff.

"Have fun picking baby." Luke whispers.

"Just shut up."

Luke's POV:

Oh Man Ashton is so hot when he's aggravated and or sassy. I like it. I stand up and make my way to the front of coach with Ashton beside me and my favorite question of all is up next.

"Captain? Skins or Shirts?" I smirk over at Ashton and the smile on his lips fades.

"Skins Coach." He then nods at me.

"Alright Ash your shirts. Now pick your teams."

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