Chapter 6

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Michael's POV:

Calum and I went to walk around the park that's pretty close to the school. He knows how much school means to me and how I never usually ditch. For Cal though I would do anything for him.

"We only have a few minutes left before lunch starts." Calum speaks up after a comfortable silence.

"Yeah. This was nice Cal." I blush

"Yeah it was. Would you like to sit for a second I have umm something to tell you." He asks nervously.

"Sure babe." I instantly blush as I say the pet name. We both sit in the soft grass with leaves falling all around us because of the trees.

"So we met when we were around.... What 9 or 10?"

"Yeah man."

"Cool and so we were like best friends even though Luke didn't like you that much but I did. I guess we kinda drifted away because of how I started behaving and honestly it's all an act. Ask Luke, if you want. I wasn't always like this cocky, self centered, whore."

I interrupt him after hearing that word.

"You aren't a whore Cal."

"Yes Michael I am I get called that by many people and it's true I sleep around a lot, but over the summer I stopped. When we hung out at David's party the whole time we instantly connected again and I'm so glad we did Mikey. You know I have always liked you." My eyes shot up and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"You. Like. Me?" I ask in surprise. No one have ever told me that before in such a romantic way, if it means anything like that.

"Yes Michael I do." He says as he grabs both of my hands.

"Though right now I'm not so sure, because sitting here with you, and ditching with you has meant a lot to me." Cal smiles cutely at me.

"So what are you saying?" He looks in my eyes searching for something.

"I'm in love with you Michael."

Calum's POV:

"I'm in love with you Michael." I smile lovingly at him knowing I have made the right decision. This beautiful boy sitting in front of me is my everything, my life. He had always had my back and my heart through thick and thin my feelings never changed. I find Mikey with tears in his eyes and I hope they are happy tears.

"I-I'm in l-l-love with you t-too C-Cal." He lies me on my back and lies his whole body across my chest, linking together our legs and hands not wanting to let go. He pulls back and starts to lean in and I do as well. Our mouths touch and he begins to nudge his lips against mine wanting me to move them along with his. I kiss back instantly and it starts to get a little bit heated.... But we are in the park, in the open. On that note I pull back and open my eyes to stare lovingly into his eyes as he does the same.

"That was." I start.

"Amazing." He finished for me.

"I would love to stay here like this with you but I'm hungry and it's like 10 minutes until lunch." I chuckle lightly at him. He gets off of me and he helps me to stand up giving me his hand. He pulls me up and I keep my hand entwined with his, loving the feeling.

"Yeah I agree." We start making our way towards the school and we get there just in time as the bell rings. We walk up to the entrance of the school and walk in but no one is in the halls everyone is probably in the cafe. We stop at the entrance and Michael goes to turn to me.

"Are you sure you want to do this baby?" He asks.

"Yes. It's about time I show off my gorgeous boyfriend. I'm gonna let everyone know that I'm not a whore as I used to be. This to me is real and I will always be here for you." He pecks my cheek.

"I love you." He says and smiles sweetly at me.

"And I love you."

Michael's POV:

Calum goes to open the door and the while room goes silent and all eyes re on us. Calum swings his arm around my shoulder as we walk through everyone. Lots of girls and guys are sending me glares and I go tense right away. Cal seems to sense my uneasiness and he starts to speak out.

"I would like it if you guys would mind your own business. Michael Clifford is my boyfriend and I would also like to say if you got a problem.... Then screw off." He yells over everyone and I feel so loved. I look over and Ash' and I's table that we have always sat at, he is waving Calum and I over with a wide grin. It feels like something is missing.... Or a someone, Mr. Luke Hemmings. I honestly don't care though he can screw off as well.

We make out way over to the table and sit down across from my best friend.

"Congrats lovebirds"

"Thanks Ashton." My lovely boyfriend says.

"Don't hurt him Hood." Ash reply's sternly. I love my best friend and boyfriend so much.

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