Chapter 8

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Ashton's POV:

The look on Luke's face was the funniest thing ever. He's gonna have a helluva time trying to get me to be with him. That boy would never be able to commit to a relationship or gain trust it's just not his nature.

It's kinda upsetting because he is actually sweet like a couple minutes ago he seemed so supportive, and it seemed like he was actually trying to help. I don't need it though.

When I was maybe around like a month after me and Mikey hooked up, I dated this guy, his name was Colton. We were dating for about almost a year and the night of our year around midnight I caught him naked with a girl in my bed, more or so our bed.

A freaking GIRL. He told me he was gay for crying out loud. I always had the haunch that he was cheating on me but I didn't choose to believe it I was truly in love with him and I thought he felt the same. When I caught him he kept telling me on how I was just an experiment and how he could never love a guy and how gay is not okay. It pissed me off so much I was so head over heals for him.

That's why I don't trust Luke, but if he wants to win me over so badly he better change because I would actually give him a chance but right now he isn't capable of it.

The bell rings signaling lunch is over and luckily I don't have anymore classes with Luke. I have every class with Michael and I couldn't be more happier.


*End of school*

"Ashy!!" I hear my blue haired friend behind me.

"Mikey!!" I chuckle as I turn around and I get tackled in a huge hug. Michael got in trouble today because he would not stop passing notes to Calum and let's just say they were pretty provocative and I had to stay after school and wait for his detention to be done.

"You can let go now bud." I whisper out of breath and pat him on the back.

"Okay so I was thinking we could head over to your house and work on our new song." Mikey says with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah okay and then we can put it on our YouTube page."

(AN: I know how Luke has his own page but let's pretend it's Ashton and Michael that have one instead.)

Michael then hops into my back and I hold into his legs so he doesn't fall.

"Onward my trusty steed!!" He does a little fist pump in the air and I run out of the school and to my car. When we get there guess who else is there?


What the hell? How does he know that's my car!

"What are you doing here?" Me and Mikey growl at the same time.

"I wanted to see if I could take you out for a little bit." He asks sweetly.

"I would love to..... Not! Me and Mikey have places to be and things to do so if you wouldn't mind please move away from my car." I glare at him.

"Aww baby don't be like that. I'm only trying to be nice." He pouts making his lip ring more visible, while he bats his eyelashes at me. I'm not gonna lie he looks really cute right now.

"We really gotta go Luke." I groan out as Michael hops off me and into the passengers side of the car. Luke stalks toward me a little closer and puts his lips on my cheek lingering them there for a while. It actually felt nice but I won't let him know that.

"Alright princess, but you will be mine and I won't stop until you are even if that means changing." He whispers at me while staring deeply into my eyes.

"Bye Luke." I whisper as I get into the car and place my hands and head onto the steering wheel. Michael looks over to me sympathetically.

"I know you enjoyed that Ash. I can see it in your eyes. You are lucky he is too naive to see it as well." I sit up straight and start the car to drive us home. I can't stop thinking though.

That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done and said to me.

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