Chapter 13

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Listen to Beside You by 5SOS when appropriate. Love y'all!

End of School


Ashton's POV:

Oh my gosh my locker needs to freaking open! Need to hurry! Where the hell is Mikey! He's probably waiting for me at my car.

To Mike-ro-wave:

Hey Dude, are ya at my car waiting for me?

To Ashey:

Yes sir! Hurry the hell up we gotta meet the boys at your house and make some new music!! -__-

To Mike-ro-wave:

Okay bro be out in a few :D

Click click click

What the hell? I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to face my eyes on Luke's Ex Raquel. She's gorgeous I'm not gonna lie. If I didn't like dicks I would totally go for her. She has very pretty blonde hair that falls down her back nicely with loose curls. When she wears Make up she makes it look good unlike the sluts around here, I love the fact that she isn't one of the sluts she's one of the sweetest girls ever. She has the prettiest green eyes and you would definitely get pulled into a trance if you look into them long enough.

"Yes?" What does she want.

"Hey Ashton, I heard from Dyl that Luke has been hitting you quite often and the word spreads like wildfire and I wanted to warn you that you should watch out for Luke." She looks at me with sympathy yet a very stern look on her face.

"Yeah I know he's a handful I don't know how you ever dealt with him."

"He is such an ass he couldn't even remember my name for Christ sakes." Oh man poor girl.

"I'm sorry Raq. Have you found anyone sense you broke up with him?"

"Yea I have." She looks down at the floor and blushes.


"Dylan" she looks up at me with the cutest smile on her face and I couldn't be more happy for them.

"Awe that's really cute. By the way I know Dylan and I are like best friends but if he ever does anything to hurt a sweet girl like you I wouldn't mind beating him up for ya."

"Hahaha thanks Ash. You won't have to worry about that but if anything happens you will be the first one I call."

"Good. Well I gotta go I have to meet up with Michael."

"Okay Hun, and congrats on the tweet I hope things work out for ya." She doesn't need to go in her toes or anything considering on how high her heels are. She kisses my cheek and gives me a side hug and we say our 'bye's' How the bloody hell can girls wear those freaking things?

"Me too Raq." I sigh to myself.

*20 minutes later*

Bloody hell they're already here?? Sh!t that was fast.

Calum and Luke are in the flesh, in my driveway, and they are gonna step foot in my house. Deep breaths Ash, deep breaths. Luke starts to say something to me but I have a feeling I know exactly what it is.

"No time for chit chat we have work to do." I raise my palm up to him and Calum.

Yes I may come off as a little bit bossy but im gonna have to step it up for these boys. Michael and I have worked our butts off to get where we are and we have to keep them in order. The boys are trailing behind me and follow me into my house. We stand in the living room and Luke tries to take my hand as he runs his other hand through my hair but I quickly slap his hand away and take a quick glare at him.

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