Chapter 19

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I get settled in and then we all gather together at the dining table. Mother and Father sit at the separate ends. Everyone is there. My two older sisters, older brother, and younger brother. Melody, Camilla, Henry, and Jacob. Along with Melody's boyfriend Neil and Henry's girlfriend Jenara. It's a jovial bunch and I try to keep up with all the conversations and keeping my jovial appearance but Melody notices. She always does. She grabs my hand and leans close.

"What's wrong darling?" she says and I shake my head.

"You must tell me later." she says and squeezes my hand then pulls back. I don't want to but I'll have no choice. She's even more stubborn than me.

After dinner Father taps his utensils on his glass and stands.

"I've called you all back here very a very important happy announcement. I'm very excited to tell you all." he says and we laugh.

"Neil proposed to Melody finally and decided their wedding date will be next month." he says and we all burst into happy chatter and some congratulations. Mother speaks.

"So we'll be getting ready and it will seem like not much time will pass. The wedding day will approach and we're so happy for this time." I smile but sigh. I think of Vincent again.

I wanted him to propose, I know it was only a few days but I love, loved him. It wasn't enough though it seems from how quickly he pushed me away. I may be a stubborn person but I'm hurt by rejection just as much as the next person. So I'll lick my wounds with my family and when the month ends I'll go on more adventures.

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