Chapter 47

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An hour later after washing and perfuming myself and then Jessie and Anna helping with my hair, I'm all ready to go. The three of us walk down and everyone else is already waiting. The others look moderately surprised by my appearance for a moment but then look bored again. All except Simion who's studying me, and Jason who''s beaming.

"I knew you would look absolutely stunning. You will most assuredly be the most beautiful woman there." he says and Isla titters. Jason and I ignore her. I walk down to him and hook my arm in his.

"Now that we're all ready we can go." I say cooly and let my gaze slide over Isla. Simion is the only one smirking at the small slights we're firing at each other.

"Let's go." Jason says and we head out. We split into groups and take two carriages to the ball.

"What is Isla's problem?" I demand. The three sisters shrug and then look to Jason.

"She likes to pretend to be protective of me, but I think it's out of spite. Although she already has Fenwick she still likes having all the male attention. My girls like staying in and avoid anyone not in our small circle so they're not competition, unlike you." he says and I look surprised.

"Interesting." I say and am silent for a few minutes.

"So she's trying to push off her mentality to me." I say and he starts laughing.

"Yes it would seem so." he says finally after calming down. These few days together will be more fun than I thought. I'm excited for the ball, I really love a good dance but i haven't been to one in months. Mostly from the short times I spend in different places. Soon I'll be married to Vincent, and I'm sure he'll expect me to settle down with him in his castle. It seems this will be my last adventure. I'm a little sad, but for Vincent I would give anything up to have him love me.

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