Chapter One

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Alone again...

Standing in your room you smiled at yourself in the mirror. A delicate hum rushed past your lips as the cool morning air hit your skin. Though you had a rough night, today was going to be a beautiful day.

The suns beams of light that cascaded through your window gave you the sympathetic gesture that the world would have pity on you today. You threw off your pajamas and changed into your clothes. Again, you stared in the mirror swearing you had been blessed with nice hair, clear skin and that... Maybe today you could make it through high school without wanting to set it ablaze.

Your eyes flicked to the time and you mentally nodded to yourself as you packed up your bag and some lunch. Your father motioned you over as he let out a tired coffee deprived sigh. "I won't be home until later... Please nobody in the house. Stay out of trouble... Oh and I'll leave you some money for a pizza." You nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, no problem! I'll see you then dad... Oh, shoot I have to go! Later!" You hugged him briefly before bolting out of your house. You had a mission: get to school on time, do well, not throw a chair at someone, and get home.
"Easy peasy, I'll pass the day up like it's nothing at this rate!" You chimed to yourself as a radiant smile plastered on your face.

That is until you smell the alluring noxious fumes from a cigarette. You stopped and looked around. It wouldn't have bothered you as much but nobody else was outside aside from you. At least to your knowledge... You brushed it off and kept your pace once again. You weren't a top A+ student but you had some intelligence in school.

At least you assumed so. You excelled in English, Art, Science, and Biology. Math, however; was not and would probably never be a strong point. None of this information was all that important but you digressed. Perhaps one day your talents would be recognized and you could make it to the college of your choice. You had your life filled out to the fullest and you could already feel the determination flowing through your veins.

You pushed your hair back from your face and continued your strut from where you stood previously. Though the thought of uncertainty continued to pop up occasionally. There was a feeling you couldn't shake but it had to be just a figment of your imagination.
Your mind drowned these thoughts when you reached the pearly black gates to hell.

Now or never, and never was not an option. You were a beautiful mind without enough time.. The clock only seemed to be ticking in your favor.


Hours had passed when you took your seat in the cafeteria. You paused and looked around as the wind blew past you on the school's patio. You couldn't help but relish the beautiful sky that seemed to cross overhead that filled your every thought with nostalgia. It was like the world was engulfing you in a gentle embrace to tell you everything was okay and that you could do it!

You got a text that made a smile appear on your face. Your mother had messaged you and though it was heart-wrenching with every email she sent; you were glad that she never forgot about you though. A small sigh left you and made a crystal whirlwind shootout in front of you. She was incarcerated but that did not deter you from loving her any less. She was a good woman who just made bad decisions. You couldn't have asked for a better mom.

You shot her a quick email back but sent it with hesitation. Two years... Two years you'd have to wait for her return. To the normal person two years was a blessing but to you, two years was an eternity. You flinched again at the awful thought before shutting your phone and carrying on with your day, pretending every word you laced out with precision didn't hurt and burn into your cranium.

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