Chapter Seven

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The rest of the day was only a blur; you couldn't remember how much time had actually passed while you were laying in your room petrified by fear. You stood up and quietly walked into your bathroom to draw a shower to ease your nerves, much to your dismay your candles were nowhere to be found and your phone was on ten percent. Of course, you could charge it but to know that guy could come to your house whenever he pleased made you think otherwise.

You undressed and stood bare in the shower; much to your displeasure the water made the wound on your neck grow increasingly uncomfortable, and that's when you realized something.
"Oh.. Fuck." You looked at your hand after rubbing your fingers tentatively against the sore flesh and found a watered down palette of red coat your hand. "He fucking cut my neck!"

You exclaimed rather loudly as you held it down. You hadn't even noticed since the ice pressed against it had numbed your gullet. Come to think of it that was probably why he had been gripping your neck for so long. That fucking psycho had branded you! You tore open the shower curtain and there in bold embroiled red crystals, was an M.

You swallowed hard against your own hand after you clasped the wound tightly to uphold the blood that seemed to endlessly dribble down. "Dad!" You started screaming as you grabbed a towel and made a mad dash downstairs. Your feet slamming down into a halt as you ran into him. "What's wrong honey–" he shut himself up as he stared at the wound. "Get dressed we're going to the hospital."

You nodded and ran to your room with a brush; on the floor, you almost screamed when you spotted the small razor that sat like a sore thumb.  It was covered with a thin layer of your blood. You picked it up with a napkin and set it on your bedside table as you threw your clothes on and brought it to the car. The last thing you saw before you both drove down the road was him waving.

You could see his mask fade away and swore you could see the twisted smirk on his face. You turned away and let out a shaky and hesitant breath.

"The wound isn't major." The doctor stated with a sigh. "It will, however, scar over and I can't promise it won't be unnoticeable. You're sure it was deliberate and not just... Well considering the circumstances; be your child doing it?" You were about to open your mouth to start an all-out brawl with the tall man but your father stopped you.

"We've been having an issue with a man breaking into our house and harassing her." The doctor nodded quietly as they examined the razor. "They must have left DNA other than your blood so, we'll turn this into the police station and see if they can find anything on it that could lead to your little stalker." The put emphasis on the word as if teasing you.

You shut your eyes and nodded. "Yeah...  Thanks." You muttered almost halfheartedly. You figured he was lying and planned to just throw it out once you and your father departed. At this rate; nothing was going to get done.
You groaned and drug your feet into the car as your father followed behind after paying for your medical examination with a bandage taped to your neck.

You glanced over at your dad as he grinned. "Taco belle?" You nodded. "As long as the fellow in yellow isn't there." You mumbled as your dad flashed you a questioning look.
"My creeper." You persisted as you reclined your seat back and shut your eyes once the car began rolling out of the parking lot.

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