Chapter Twenty-Two

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You let out minuscule cries of pain and agony as he continued, blood was on his lips and dripping down your neck. Your vision became hazy before Masky bit your lip. "Don't pass out on me yet." You were afraid to nod so you just managed to choke out a fearful, "o-okay." Against his teeth you could feel the pressure raise once again as he lapped the blood and pushed his tongue against your mouth. You made a soft whine in protest but when he gave you a look you submissively parted your lips.

You felt the bittersweet kiss overtake you as the metallic and warm feeling was in your mouth. 'He's going to kill me.' You began to sob against his lips as he left a trail of blood and saliva to drip from your mouth and his. He collected it with his finger when he pulled away and pressed it to your lips. You quietly took in his finger and lapped it off with hesitation. "Don't you taste sweet?"  You hesitatingly nodded and shut your eyes again. You could feel the blood soaking the collar of your shirt and drip underneath when too much collected.

You could feel the amused smirk of his tone while his finger was pulled from your lips. "Good pet." He hissed and kissed away the tears he could. "What did we learn..?" You looked into his eyes with a weak expression. You were hopelessly falling into a daze from the pain and fear that racked your body. "N-not to disobey you." You stammered. He nodded and then the sinister smile faded into a kind one. "Now look at the mess we made.. I'll clean it."

And with that, he stood and grabbed some paper towels, one pressed to your neck and the other to clean what blood he could from your shirt. He ended up throwing you a sweater from your closet and turned his back so you could change. You did quickly and curled into the corner of you bed. "I did it to teach you a lesson you know." His voice broke through your thoughts as his fingers spun through your hair. You said nothing but nodded much to your anguish. You felt your throat scratch and heat up while hot tears continued to spew out of your eyes. You were in so much pain.

Your throat was so sore from the torment and tampering. It started to numb after a while but the fresh wound that was reopened began to sore and ache. You stared at Masky as his hand continued to pet your hair down. A sickly soft hum leaving him as he smiled down kindly at you. Behind that smile was something dark. You weakly rested your head in his lap much to his delight. "There we go.. Much better don't you think?" You nodded again and swallowed the stone that was rested in the back of your throat.

He smiled at this and continued smoothing your hair down. "Now I understand you want a dog?" You froze and your body went rigid. "Y-yes." You mumbled. He hummed. "Interesting..." You said nothing as you felt his hand stop in the gentle movements from your head. He leaned down and gently kissed your forehead. "I'll keep that in mind since Christmas is coming soon." You shuddered and nodded. His sadistic side still haunted you and you were mildly afraid if it would just as suddenly come back.

He stood after almost an hour of cooing over you, put on his shoes. And left you to your room where you became a mess of tears and utter fear.

You didn't sleep that night.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now