Chapter Fourty-Four

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"MASKY LET ME GO!" Violently you kicked and thrashed as he dragged you back to the cabin. Tears streaming down from your eyes as you screamed for help your nails sinking into his wrists as he gripped ahold of you. "What did I tell you about trying to leave Y/N?!" He yelled back and covered your mouth with a bloodstained hand. You bit down and ripped at his skin until he dropped you. That's when you started running. You limped and wheezed out with tears streaming. You didn't get very far when you were body slammed into the ground in a pool of your own blood. "You didn't answer me Y/N... What did I say about leaving?" Your eyes widened as a sharp pain was now in your side. You crumpled into ground and clawed at it to get away; his free hand holding your arms behind your back while he sat on your legs and dug a knife into your side. Carving an M deep into it. "You can't leave. You're not allowed."

You could feel each pull; each tearing sensation that rippled through your flesh as the knife continued to slice deep into your body. You let out a gut wrenching scream and kicked around violently. Tears pelting down into the snow as you started to feel dizzy. You kept fighting. The clawing, the kicking, screaming, biting. It didn't stop him. The pain you felt caused a loud scream for help to come through your body as a last attempt. You heard it; the snap of twigs. Your eyes glassing over more as you cried harder and screamed again. Even as he slammed your mouth closed with his hand; you screamed. You kept screaming until you felt the loss of blood overwhelm you. Everything was a blur. You couldn't hear anymore but you could see Masky leave you and crouch in the bushes. Your eyes closed as you cried out to deafened ears. You watched as he slaughtered them. Masky violently slamming into the party that came to your rescue. Tears pooling from your eyes as you watched the massacre. You screamed and started to crawl away. When you looked up to find the source of the sudden pressure on your back.

You looked up to see Hoodie; tears flowed down your face as he slammed his pipe over your head. The last thing you saw was the bloody mess behind you and the frown of his mask before the void took over your gaze and you fell limp.

When you awoke you were chained back in place. You stood on quaking legs. Of course he had bandaged your wounds and changed your clothing like he always did. You walked to the rooms bathroom and took a sip of the tap water; slowly you rose your head and stared up at your reflection. You were sickly pale; your eyes darkened with a broken hue of {eye color}. Dark rings forming from your many nights of trying to find a way out. Tears slowly rained from your face as you stared at the chain on your ankle. It would be another month before he'd trust you again to come off the chain. "I wouldn't have had to do that if you behaved Y/N."

You looked up with an exhausted whimper. You were so tired of fighting. So sick and tired of failing... He put an arm around your shoulders. "I didn't have to kill all those people who wanted to take you. But now you know what's happened to all the others who tried taking you away from me." He chuckled. "You can't escape destiny Y/N. You're meant to be with me. They're just trying to take you away from me because they're jealous." You felt tears prick in your eyes as you stared weakly at him. "You know, your old man is the one causing all of this. I might have to take care of him soon." You froze. "I might have to gut him like the pig he is for trying to take you from me..." there was an intense flash of red in your eyes. You lost your mom to the problematic government that places innocent people in prison. You lost your life to this monster who stole you away. The monster who beats you down to keep you in place. The monster who murdered people to keep you hostage. You clenched your fist. The last thing he was going to take was your dad.

It was hard enough without one parent. You didn't want to know what it'd be like without both. He kept talking but froze as you slammed your fist into his face and jumped him. "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FUCKING HAND ON MY DAD YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?!" You slammed your fist into him until it hurt. All the while he laid still and took it. Tears streamed down your face as you continued this rampage. Your body collapsing as you screamed. He stopped for a moment before spitting out an array of broken and chipped teeth. His bloody nose and lip now dripping on the floor as you squirmed away from him and into the corner where you wheezed and cried. He was surely going to kill you now. "Y-Y/N?..." fear hit you like a bus as the familiar voice of Tim took over. You shook violently and backed into the wall as he held his gushing nose. He stared at your hands that had been covered in his and your blood.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now