Chapter Eight

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You watched as the sky faded fast when the tires hit the road again from the Taco Bell parking lot.
You and your dad had stayed for a while and despite this, you didn't want to go home. You feared for the worst but it was again; inevitable.  You fidgeted in your car seat and shook your head. With every movement, you could swear eyes were on you.

It wasn't your typical paranoia; this was real and very much made your blood churn and curl with each road name that drew closer to yours. You swallowed as your house slowly approached. All around the dimly lit sky, you waved at your neighbors as they flashed smiles. You were still shaking as you stepped inside of your home and ascended up the stairs and into your bedroom.

You let out a relieved sigh when you realized nothing was out of the ordinary. You shut your eyes as your back hit your mattress; with each breath you took, you became more relieved that you were alone. Dad was downstairs and you were safe. You headed back to the bathroom to finish your shower of course, especially because you were still annoyed about the dry blood irritating your skin.

After an hour you stepped out refreshed. Monday was going to... Well, it was going to be something. It was Saturday night and you couldn't be happier. A great time to get some extra sleep and relax. You dragged your body to the bed once again and collapsed. Your eyes began to dim again as the warm arms of sleep squeezed you tightly. A content sigh left your mouth as you slowly drifted away and finally to your peaceful dreamworld.

You opened your eyes from a peaceful rest with surprise, it was slowly turning today and you... You were still alive. No notes, no weird guy, nothing. It was like nothing had ever even happened. It was at this point you actually began to question your reality. Were you even awake right now?... The clock read 7:56 A.M. You were starving and decided to head downstairs. It was quiet, you seemed to be the only one awake and you couldn't help but grin as you started cooking up some pancakes.

You closed your eyes for a minute hearing the satisfying sizzle of the pan when you added the mix. "Is... Is this what heaven smells like?" You joked to yourself and flipped the pancake quickly. Your eyes scanned for a plate before you quickly scrambled up the counter and grabbed it. A beautiful sight to behold as you shut your eyes and inhaled the sweet aroma of fluffy goodness.

You soon had a stack of pancakes layered with a small amount of butter followed by the sweet sticky fluid that was: Maple Syrup. The whiskey brown goodness that dribbled off the also fluffy trap made your mouth water. You quickly took a seat after making extras just in case your dad would like some and proceeded to eat. In the midst of your chewing a familiar 'ding' came from your phone.

You nearly choked as you ripped it out of your pocket and held it to your face.

"Hey honey, I hope you're doing well. How's the house and are you okay? Your message scared me! I'm so sorry I couldn't answer sooner. Is everything okay?... Are you okay? I hope I can see you soon I really miss your face and I'm having withdrawals from not seeing your face... I love you baby xoxo - Mom"

You sighed and composed a response; you did, however, leave out the part that your attacker had come back for around two and had left a very noticeable reminder on your skin. You smiled to yourself and in brief; explained everything was fine and that it was over. You actually made yourself believe you were much better off and that it was just an illusion.

With a sigh, you shook your head and sent the message, finished your pancakes, and then got dressed for the day. The day seemed to once again be in your favor as the snowfall was slowly starting up again and making the outside a mystic and beautiful wonderland, just for you.
You stepped out and the day played out smoothly and your mind soon went to ease.

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