Chapter Fourty-One

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You choked on that. "You love me?" You repeated. Your tone shaking as you back up from him. Tears slowly making their way down your face. He shook his head. "Look, alright? I know this looks bad but, I can't have people taking you away from me! Besides without me Hoodie would still be dragging you as an offering to Operator and then what?" He grinned "Y/N I'd die without you." You felt tears land on your hands before you wiped them off. "T-then die." You said quickly. This caught him completely off guard. "What?"

"You heard me, Masky." You said with narrowed eyes. Your voice shaking fearfully as you sat up and held your knees to your chest. "I might love Tim but that feeling isn't mutual for you." He blinked. His eyes narrowing to meet yours as he moved closer. "Oh really? Without me you'd be dead, you need me!" He yanked the chain around your ankle and pulled you into his chest. "Believe me sweet cheeks... You'll thank me for this." His fingers dragged down your hair and face before he gripped your chin.

You jerked away and looked off. "I won't." He grabbed your hair and pulled you to face him; his tone now darker and more static. "You will." You sunk your nails into your leg as you tried pulling away. Tears growing to rapidly run down your face. "I own you, you have my mark, my collar, and I made it seem like you're dead. Nobody will look for you. All you'll ever have is me and that's all you'll ever need! Isn't that great?" Masky smiled sadistically. Unlike Tim, his gaze was darker, he might have Tim's face but his eyes were almost dead in a sense.

You grabbed his hand and pulled at it. "You're insane." You spat as he leaned close and kissed the tears from your cheeks. "That I am... A shame it took you so long to figure that out." His grip tightened as he pulled you into his lap. "Remember, I can and will hurt you and fix you up until you learn." He smiled and stroked your hair. "You'll learn to appreciate me eventually." He kissed your forehead. "I'm doing this because I love you... Don't you get that?" You wheezed as he yanked harder.

"Well? Are you going to answer me or am I going to have to punish you?" You shook your head as he reached to his pocket. "Y-yes sir I-" He smirked. "That's enough. I'll let your slip up pass this time. I get it I do, you're scared, you're confused..." his fingers caressed your cheeks as he released your hair; in the midst of his actions he was silently having a war with himself, more specially Tim. "I promise it'll get better for us sweetheart, you'll thank me soon I promise. You just need to behave." You whimpered as he lovingly kissed you. "Look at me..." he coaxed softly when you didn't he frowned.

"I said look at me." You winced as did as told. He smiled eventually and purred in satisfaction. "You'll like it here. When I can trust you I'll let you walk around freely. Until then you're stuck on the chain." He kissed your temple. "Now, what do you want for lunch?" You stared at him for a while while wiping tears from your face. That's when you seen it. The soft light in his eyes returned as Tim took over and held you. Tears slowly rolling down his face as his shaky hands released you. "Y-Y/N..." Tim shook violently as he quickly scooted away from you. "God Y/N I'm so fucking sorry I'm so-"

He wheezed and held his head; Masky obviously trying to take back control. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you I-I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him I- That's enough of him." You watched as he got up and grinned. "I'll be back with sandwiches and some sparkling juice for you, my lovely Y/N. Be a good pet while I'm doing that I really don't want to have to play doctor on you again." The door closed and Sparky whined. You stared at the dog in disbelief. Tears rolling off of your face as you backed into the bed frame and cried.

"I'm going to die here."

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