Chapter Twelve

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{So note I'm switching POV's for this chapter; this will happen sporadically. In this POV it will be I/me/my}

Hearing them scream and writhe as I banged against the door made a twisted grin split over my face as I slammed up against the door. I could hear the flimsy wood crackle and snap under my weight. I could hear the sharp and terrified breaths that left their lungs with every slam of my fist against the wood now. My blood rushed out from the knuckles of my fingers it felt amazing.

My unkempt and nappy hair flailed wildly as I ran to the back and began throwing myself at the door. My face turned sick as I stared at the window I broke. My footfalls crashed and split the snow under me as I jumped through and began at her bedroom door. The only thing keeping me from my lovely, my pet. Was this door. I shoved into it and laughed hearing her shrill and bone tingling shriek. I shredded at the door and listened to the gritty sound of my nails scraping against the wood.

My eyes grew wide with rage as I shoved in and felt the door give way. Before I could continue I listened to the door in the front. I could no longer hear them cry out for me to stop; the only sound was heavy footsteps against the wooden floor that crashed up the staircase and into the corridor. I heard heavy breathing as their father rushed to the bathroom and screamed their name.

My pet, my precious, my prey. Was out there in his arms. Not mine. My blood began to boil and fume as I listened to him dial the cops. Without a second thought, I fled into the woods and disappeared into the tree branches. The snow made following my tracks easy.

"Let's see how easy I can outrun them." With large strides and jumps, I was already long gone without a trace. There was no way they would find me at this rate and it made my blood rush to my head.

I had an idea from this; an idea that might just work. My beloved wanted me to meet them face-to-face right? I could meet them face-to-face no problem; I just needed to disappear for a while. A chuckle left my lips as I looked around and pressed my mask to my face before plucking it off.

"With time my lovely, with time... We'll meet again very, very soon."

That being said, I stashed my mask elsewhere and headed into her town to do some work, earn some quick cash. I would do just about anything for you; anything...

With many months that seemed to drag on, I was finally ready. I bought the closest house to {Y/N} and put what belongings I had in there. My grin never leaving my face as I looked around and turned to look outside. My plan, my plan to get my lovely, was soon about to take complete and precise action. My apathetic attitude to others had to go; if this was going to work I had to play the part.

As I walked outside and greeted my new 'neighbors' I couldn't help but feel jittery when walking to their door. The same door I tried breaking down months before. Of course, I made sure they hadn't moved while I was out; I had my resources... A shrill smile that once coated my face was now covered with an angelic and appealing one. I hesitantly knocked on their door as my heart began to race. I wanted to scare them and comfort them, I knew they were home alone and it delighted me.

"Hello?" They answered and opened the door. I saw their pleasingly soft eyes flicker up to my face. A small hue starting to appear on their face as I chuckled. "Hey cutie, I'm your new neighbor and just wanted to drop by and say, hey."

They were buying it.

They nodded and shakily introduced themselves.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their sudden hesitation. It was very... Interesting. To actually meet {Y/N} up-close and not, trying to hold them down by their throat or against a wall. I could occasionally catch them watch my eyes stare down at the M I so happily slit into their skin before I looked back up in fake sympathy. I wasn't going actually ask about the wound; no, I was going to get their trust.

They'd fall for me and I could tell it was already working. I shook it off with a charming smile. I rested my arm against the doorframe and leaned in slowly. My voice was cool and crisp as the snow beneath my shoes as I whispered softly;

"Oh yeah... By the way; my name's Tim."

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