Chapter Twenty-Three

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You ended up going to school with an aching head and dark rings beginning to take form underneath your eyes. Much to your displeasure many people called you out; some asking what was wrong, others were not so kind. You retreated to the library where you had hidden under your sweater and closed your eyes. You were so tired and shaken; when the librarian came to check on you, you just about bursted into tears. Everywhere you went was met with the thought Masky would be around the corner.

It made your skin crawl and each time you shivered you could almost feel his disgusting wet appendage lapping up the fear. He had to be some kind of demon.. He had to be. Nobody in their mind could be as cruel and sadistic. Per-say you were more than afraid when you had to walk home. The freezing air was biting and scraping at your skin with sharpened nails. All you could think about was getting home, actually.. Tim could help you. Right?

Tim was your friend and he would protect you from Masky, right? You were running out of time as you started texting. Your fingers hitting the screen with spastic taps and clicks as you bustled along. He responded with a quick; "You need somethin' short cake?" You called and explained you felt unsafe and requested to stay at his house until your dad got home. He agreed and you ran. You ran as fast your feet would carry you. You almost tripped but that didn't matter; what mattered was you outrun Masky. You could swear you heard his laughing in the back of your head.

You could feel the intensity of the flight or fight sequence take over in hard proportion. Your feet skidded to Tim's door as you pushed in and fell right into his arms. You were panting heavily and throwing looks over your shoulder. You shook as you shut the door and apologized profusely. "Okay, okay, calm down-" he grabbed you and pulled you in tightly. "What happened?" He asked as you started gripping onto his shoulders. You had tears rolling off of your face as you tore down the collar of your shirt and exposed the reddened and very much exposed M.

"He came back." You stammered. He stared. "He's going to kill me; and I don't want to die Tim! I-I don't want–" he cut you off as he gripped ahold of you. "He won't." His tone became low as his eyes narrowed to the floor. "Look, I don't know who he is but I'll protect you." He lifted your chin and brushed your tears away. "Got it? I'm going to protect you and nothing's going to happen. When they find him He'll be long dead and gone. He won't hurt you ever again dammit."

You nodded and squeezed him tightly. He rubbed your back and brought you into the comforts of his sofa where he put a blanket around your shoulders and then nestled you into the crook of his side. You stared up at his stoic face in admiration. He was really going to protect you... You wrapped yourself around him and layered a faint a hesitant kiss on his cheek. "Thanks Tim." You said after a time of being quiet. His face heated as he just nodded and held himself back from speaking.

You watched his movements as he sporadically fidgeted and twitched. "God help and forgive me.." You heard him mutter. He turned to you, his eyes darkened in the light that hit them and he held his gaze with yours and stooped down. His lips soon hitting against yours as he squeezed your hand tightly. Your heart jerked abruptly into your throat as you sat frozen; your face slowly going a pigmented red. He pulled back after a while and stared at you quietly. He got up and motioned for you to follow. "Now let's go clean that wound."

Out of impulse; you followed him into the bathroom and sat on the counter where he started to clean up the carved letter. 'What just happened?' You thought to yourself as he added hydrogen peroxide to the crook of your neck. He watched the liquid bubble and fizz before he wiped it away and added a bandage and gently taped it down. You didn't question how he knew how to play doctor but you just whispered a thanks.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now