Chapter Thirty

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Your fingers daintily dragged up and down his torso in a hypnotic fashion much to your enjoyment. He just stared in silence as he twitched and jerked under the soft movements. "{Y-Y/N}.." he started. You hushed him and gently kissed his jaw and neck. He wriggled a bit and let out a sharp hot puff of hair. "Dammit {Y/N}, fine I.. I know something, but just.. I.." you paused in your actions and backed off once he started to speak. Your head gently rested on his shoulder comfortably.

"Then tell me. Don't hide it away like I'm a little kid you can lie to at your leisure." He shot a look at you and you piped down. He sighed and tilted his head so it was gently resting on yours. "Masky is.. Well more of a parasite to some people. He feeds off of fear, absolutely adores the shit. He kills to get the job done, doesn't really matter how he does it. He just does." He paused for a brief moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Unfortunately you did something that sparked an interest in him and now I guess he got a tad obsessive."

"There really isn't anything anyone can do. The guy's uncatchable, undetectable, he's a manipulative little freak." His voice grew darker with each word of insult he spoke. To be honest you thought he'd be shaking with rage at this point. He gripped you tightly and then turned his head to you. "Look, I really do like you. Like, a lot actually. I just don't think I should be.. In the way." The last sentence went flat as he gripped your side into his. "Well.. Actually."

His tone held fire as he seemed to be arguing with himself and contradicting everything he was saying. "Fuck Masky." He mumbled and kissed your forehead softly. "I said I'd protect you from that bastard, and that's what I plan to do. I'm not going to hold myself back because of him. If I'm closer to you he can't hurt you." Your jaw just.. Dropped. Did he really just appoint himself to be your boyfriend/guardian thing? Your eyes just flickered to the ground as you held your mouth agape.

"Holy shit dude." You managed to whisper after a second of reconvening with your thoughts. "Surprised?" He questioned and squeezed you tightly. "Yeah, a little." You mumbled and curled up against him. At your feet the small dog whined and tried to get onto your bed. With not much of an issue, you lifted the tiny boy up and set him in your lap. Holding you, was Tim. Just.. Tim. Not Masky, not anyone creepy. Just.. Tim.

It made you feel much safer since he had seemed to know about Masky. Maybe he could help you spring traps or something. You looked up at him as he squeezed you; his eyes were distant and solid as he was stuck in thought. "Tim?.." You called softly. He looked up at you and made a soft grunt in response. "Thank you." You mumbled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and pressed the cheek against yours. "You're welcome sweet cake." He muttered.

His hand pushed over yours and over the puppy where he pet his soft fur. "So cutie pie.." he started. "What's pup's name gonna be?" You glanced at the small beagle that lay snoring in your lap. You shrugged and smiled at him. "I'll figure it out eventually. When my dad asks I'll just say I found him outside and around the house. He shouldn't mind too much." Tim nodded and ruffled your hair. "Alright short stack. I can get you puppy food and a collar if you want." He mumbled and affectionately kissed your cheek.

Shutting your eyes against him; you nodded and sighed out in utter bliss. He seemed to do the same as he peered over your shoulder. "You're both the cutest things I've ever seen." He mumbled and buried his nose into the crook of your neck. For the remainder of the evening; you two sat in a blissful silence.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now