Chapter Fourty-Three

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|I would like to note there will be sin in this ending, so like, warning if you don't like sin then I'd not read the end. At this point I realize everyone is calling the reader a she so that's what what I'll be working with.|

This was it... You really had no way out. No matter how many times you tried to escape he always caught you. Masky knew all the ways you could get out. It wasn't like he didn't think this through beforehand. He knew every trick in the book. Your eyes flickered upwards as he held the keys in his hand. The wounds he had inflicted to keep you in place aching your movements as he unlocked the chain from your ankle and kissed your forehead. Instead of the vibrant eye color that you once had; they were a broken dulled out hue of {eye color}. He frowned at this and coaxed you to your feet while lifting you up and carrying you outside of the room. It was a nice roomy living room, a small fireplace, emitted the heat you seemed to die for. Masky smiled at this and set you down in front of it while wrapping you up in a fuzzy blanket.

"I made hot cocoa if you want some." He offered with a small grin on his features. You nodded and leaned back on him as he pulled you into his lap and buried his face into the side of your neck. "I love you." He mumbled softly. A soft look in his eyes; they didn't belong to Tim anymore. It was just Masky. You smiled faintly; something you hadn't done in ages and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I love you too." You mumbled. Taking a small sip of the drink you relaxed with him as he softly sighed and wrapped his hand around your free one. "I told you that you'd like it here with me Y/N.. I just wanted you to realize that you're mine now... Nobody can take you from me. They can't hurt you anymore and now you have a better chance at living with me. I can teach you things beyond your wild imagination."

Your eyes flickered up to his face and you nodded. Living with him... Didn't sound so bad anymore. "Your friends... Your family, they never even sent a search party for you. They don't care, Y/N. They never cared like I did, and they never will. Nobody will." He lifted your chin with a finger and softly pecked your lips. You set your cup aside and softly held his cheek; kissing back delicately as you turned in his lap and softly wrapped your arms around his neck. A smile coming to his face as he snaked his arms around your waist.

And so,

he trained you. Your new fiery spirt he had given you while having you locked up made you determined to make him proud of you, not that he wasn't already. "Y/N..." He hummed and wrapped his arms around your waist. You leaned back against him while letting out a low hum to answer him. "I made you something." He cooed and lovingly kissed behind your ear. A smirk appearing on his face. You smiled at this and looked down to see a mask, a blacked out mask with small gold swirls under the eyes and lips. "Masky..." He smiled at you and handed it to you; watching as you slid it over your face and stared up at him.

"You look beautiful. My sweet little murderer~" he cooed as you lifted the mask off and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

He quite happily returned the gesture and delicately ran his hands down to your hips before pulling away and looking out into the darkened forest that was blanketed by soft snow. "Why don't we go pay all of those useless meat bags a visit?" He hummed and put his jacket over your shoulders. You lightly grabbed his hand and leaned on him; yeah... Why not? None of them came looking for you, none of them missed you, none of them actually cared... Right? He smiled and pulled his mask over his face as he walked outside with you under his arm and to the town you once knew all too well.

"Tragedy strikes again in the town of LittleWood. Family of four and grieving father of Y/N L/N found butchered in their own homes late at night. Police are working tirelessly to find out more information on the killer; signs of breaking and entering at large-" the TV flicked off as Masky wiped the dry blood from your cheek with a dampened rag.

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