Chapter Seventeen

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Hours passed as you soon snapped out of your daze. You looked up to see Masky still in your room with you placed in his lap wrapped in your sheets. He was reading a book to himself before looking down after noticing you stir. "You feeling better, my lovely?" He asked as he rose a brow and patted your head. You eased into his hand but didn't respond. This seemed to amuse him more than anger him as he rested his head back against the frame of your bed.

"Your dad left." He commented as he pricked his hand through your hair. You were still and quiet as you stared at the floor and listened to his heartbeat. You said nothing in the process of this and eventually sat up and grabbed the still chilled bottle; you took a sip and offered him some after a minute. "Oh my dear, I could never take anything from you... I got it just for you and only for you." He hummed and stroked your hair.

With a nod, you set the bottle down and shut your eyes. You were much too tired to move at this point so you just melded into the blankets that squeezed around you. Masky didn't seem to mind either as he glanced outside at the whipping snow that howled and moaned against the pane. Your eyes closed again as you fiddled with the fabric of the blankets. He didn't say much, he only observed your actions with a faint playful smile on his lips. "You are, might I say.. Very cute when you're like this."

You again; said nothing and just lifted your head to look at him. He looked back quietly and pushed your hair out of your face. You laid motionless against him as he leaned forward, only to be interrupted by the sound of the front door opening again. You turned your head before Masky slid out from under you, leaving you to lay and watch him crack the window open quietly. He leaned down and pressed his icy lips to your forehead before departing and jumping out to the snow below.

You heard the crunching of snow soon fade away as you stood and closed the window. Your tired eyes carefully adjusting to the dark as you sat down on your bed and drank the cool juice that remained. Your eyes fluttered as you hooked up your laptop and started searching for, well anything really. From gifs to books, to even random creepy things. You searched until you were bored of the internet. That was until you decided to go for a walk. It was about five at night but at that point, the dark was slowly overtaking the sky.

You grabbed your sweater and a scarf to cover the collar that still chimed and rattled against your neck; you brushed past your father who only shrugged and headed to the kitchen. Your eyes gazed upon the many buildings that had lights on them, some of which were only lazy lights. Others were actually decorated and looked marvelous. That being said you would stop to gawk and fawn over them. In the midst of this, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Tim staring down at you with a soft smile.

In his hand was a coffee that was still steaming in the cold air as he pulled his arm back. "Hey short stack, how's it going? It's a bit dark to be walking around don't you think?" You shrugged. "I mean, I could be asking you the same thing, Lumberjack." You teased and motioned to his flannel-covered body. He snorted at the comment and looked at the house in front of you. "The lights are nice."

You nodded before sighing out the cold air that hid in your body. He watched and rose a brow, his hand gently going around your arm as he smiled. "Wanna go light hunting with me?... It's the perfect time to do it, you know." You froze in place and felt tears came and slid down. "Y... Yeah. I'd love to." You grabbed his hand and tugged him along with you to a road you knew all too well. He followed along, not questioning the tears that sprung.

A voice in the back of his head made him huff. You looked up but he only shrugged it off and gently wiped off tears that fell off your face. "Are you alright, kiddo?" You nodded and motioned ahead to the bright show of lights. "I'm fine." You said and kept walking ahead. He followed behind and stared in awe.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now