Chapter Twenty-Seven

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You laid back against the wall and cowered. Your soft an lightly coughed out whimpers that seemed to take every breath out of your chest. The untold sheath of sorrow was hitting you as your dad pounded onto your door. He had heard your breakdown as you let a shrill scream that would outdo a mountain lion echo and bounce off of your room walls. His slamming against the door hesitated. You continued crying; your vision blurring your tears as you gripped your sides.

Your loud scream then died down as your throat gave out. You threw a heavy and almost grotesque look back at the window as if to see Masky's piercing brown eyes staring back out at you. You held your mouth before snatching your trashcan up and vomiting. This continued for just a while as you felt tears stinging in your eyes. You pulled your head out of the trashcan and laid down against the pillow.

Your body seemed to give out as your vision faded. In the back of your head you closed your eyes and slowly and fell asleep.

You woke up to a gentle shoving. Your eyes and body lightly jerking with each shove. Your eyes snapped open after your blankets left your body. Staring back at you was Masky. He lightly shook you and let his hands drop to his side. "You've been sleeping for a while." He mumbled. You sat up and gently lifted your phone to see the time. Masky went ridged; he said nothing though his eyes explained everything he needed to say.

You stared at him and gingerly wrapped your hand on his to get his attention. "How long were you here?" You asked while pulling him closer. If you wanted answers you'd have to play along. He held your hand and kneeled against your bed; he rested himself over you and loomed. You let out a soft and shaky breath. It made a chuckle leave his lips; his mask was lifted up just slightly. "Embarrassed?.." you gave a slight nod as you turned your head.

"A couple hours, maybe two.. I didn't want to disturb you." You slightly nodded and felt his hand gingerly caresses your cheek. He seemed to stare down at you as it clutched a handful of your hair. Your face turned away and you grabbed his cheek. His body went ridged as your stroked his skin with your thumb. You stared up at him as you did so; almost like a calming mother soothing their child. He soon felt a small smile cross his lips.

"You're such a pretty little kitty... My sweet kitten." He ran his hand down to your hip where you shivered. You snatched his wrist softly and pulled it back up to your face. His eyes shut as he let out an inaudible growl. His face was just a smirk under the porcelain mask that covered his features. Your hands slightly clutched his gloved hand against your side. "Masky.." You cooed much to your own disgust. He rose a brow and then laid himself beside you.

He slid his hand over you and scooted yourself into his side. You stared up at him as your hands slowly gripped and held his jacket; his warmth consumed you as you stared out into the night. His hand was brushing your hair with a gentle sigh. "My precious {Y/N}.." you closed your eyes as you fell into a daze. Your breathing became soft as his hands continued to brush softly against your skin. "Sleepy?.." he asked softly as he watched you wriggle and curl into his coat with him.

He said nothing to protest as he continued to curl and laying his hand on your shoulder blades. You held his hand and shuddered. "Yes I... I'm exhausted. Can you please.. Turn off the light?" He nodded and reached over, shutting the light off, and wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm which put the use of the blankets away.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now