Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Alright mental note," you began as you wandered the empty hallways of the school with your arms tightly wrapped around your chest. "If he comes back, the paint bucket over the window might work." It had been a couple of days since Masky had disappeared; Tim had also wandered off but after you left the messages that Masky had come back you were positive he was on a manhunt for him. You were worried, but also highly amused. The thought of Masky being tracked by your flannel-loving boyfriend was... Well, it was amusing to say the least.

You walked into the school's courtyard  and rested your head back into the bench as you blew an icy breath. You were on your way home but decided to relax for a while and enjoy the winter. Break was soon and so you would have about, two weeks to relax and get your mind off some things. After reluctantly sitting back up and continuing your walk you noticed something. Someone was... Following you? You thought this in a questioning manner but for good reason. Because when you turned around the man with the hat simply brushed past and uttered,

"I'm so sorry."  Confusion swept through your body as you gently tapped his shoulder. He briefly went ridged and then relaxed as he turned to look back at you. "Uh. Hello?" He questioned in a soft-spoken tone. You smiled at this and looked up at the slightly taller individual, scanning his features for a second. "Are you alright?" You inquired finally after what took over a minute for your examination.

He nodded. "Just... Tired," he stopped for a minute and then asked, "By chance do you know a {Y/N}?.. I have a message from Tim." He seemed hopeful since his face lit up. You pursed your lip before nodding. "That my good sir, would be me." You grinned cheekily. He took a second before chuckling. "He wasn't kidding when he said you were a sassy one." He hummed as you tilted your head. "But, ah... He just said to tell you he's safe, he misses you but he's well, searching for you know who. Or at least a way to get rid of him."

"That's good to hear..." You mumbled out loud while playing with your sleeve. "He told me to watch over his house and stuff so if you ever need something I'll probably be there." You nodded again before raising an eyebrow. "Hey, what's your name?" He smiled and lightly flicked the top of his hat; the gesture sent snow everywhere in the process. "Jay." He said simply. You smiled at this. "Pleasure to meet you then, Jay."

He returned the smile before getting fidgety when he heard snapping twigs in the breeze. "We should get you home huh?" You followed beside him as he guided you home in the cold wintery day. The only thing cutting the peaceful silence was the chattering of teeth, and the occasional car or snapping in the woods. Each noise though from the once beautiful forest sent a flight or fight sequence that made you pick up the pace which made Jay quickly try to catch up.

When you made it to your house you offered him a warm cup of coffee or, tea. Something to keep him warm even though Tim's house was only a couple more houses down. Jay politely agreed and sat on a chair while making light conversation with you; you didn't mind at all to say the least.

It was a while later; Jay had left and had exchanged numbers with you. That was always a plus; now you had someone to talk to since Tim was MIA for time being. At least you had Sparky to keep you company in the house. Tim was doing a lot for you.. That surprised you quite a bit, however, you couldn't have been more grateful. For the time being.. You would have to wait for him to return. Hopefully it would be soon. You doubted it, but you hoped.

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