Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What does he mean, 'am I sick?' How the fuck would he know if I-" your thoughts became jumbled as you texted back,

'No.'  In a very prestigious fashion.  About a million nerves in your fingers began to prick and curl as you felt dizzy. 'What is he talking about?..'

He was nowhere near you and thus should have been an obvious indicator there was a major issue.

You began to grow very uneasy at the sudden doubt that rose up your spine; every little hair on the back of your neck pricked and sparked like an aggressed dog. Something.. Wasn't right. Maybe it was the fatigue, lack of food and hydration talking but: there was something sinister going on. Something far worse that your brain could not comprehend. You looked at your phone and called him. It was time to ask him if he knew what was going on.

"Hey, Tim I need you to um.. Come over. It's really important and I'd appreciate it." You heard a small hum in response before the line clicked dead. He had hung up. So, you waited at your window. It took a couple minuets but you watched as his figure came into view, he had something in his arms but you couldn't decipher what at the time. When you opened the door, you were met with a puppy that was jousted into your arms.

"Little rascal was running around my yard and.. I don't have time for pets right now." He mumbled and turned his head away from you, much too nervous to stare you in the eyes again. You noticed and stroked the small dogs head with a gentle motion for him to follow you to your room. He did with hesitation but sat on your bed when given the opportunity. "How did you know I was sick?" You inquired while humming and letting the small canine run free in your room.

"Seen your car drive past and seen you in the passenger side." He tossed out quickly. "You didn't look too good so I was.. Well, for lack of a better word; composed to ask if you were feeling well?" You nodded just a little, still very uneasy about the situation. You sat beside him and like before, curled up against him and rested your head in his lap. He reached down and touched your forehead. "You aren't running a fever..." He commented and rose a brow.

"It's probably just stress." You mumbled and let a shaky breath escape your aching chest. From throwing up so much, you were convinced you had punctured a lung at that point; it wouldn't have surprised you to be honest. "You going to be okay kiddo?.." he asked after a bit of contemplation. It was like.. He was testing out his words and choosing them carefully. There was a slight urgency in your tone as you held his hand against your head with dainty fingers. "Tim, do you know anything about Masky?"

The question must have snapped him into a trance-like state because you gently nudged him and then yelled his name to get his attention; he jumped half a mile. "N-no.. I have no idea who he is." You furrowed your brow. 'Since when does he stammer?..' you decided there was only one thing left to do to get answers from him; so you lifted yourself up and gently wrapped your arms around his neck. "Tim?.." Your voice was gentle and soothing as you curled and twisted his hair between your fingers. He watched you as you lightly leaned closer to him.

"Timothy are you lying to me?.. That's not very nice you know..." You began playing with the collar of his shirt.

He took a sharp breath and turned his head away to face the wall. His face exploding with an array of reds. Your face was as equally flustered if not more. You gingerly tiptoed your fingers down his chest before you lightly kissed his cheek. "Tim~" you cooed in a soft tone as you turned his face to meet yours. He stared at you in a flustered haze.

"It's not nice to lie~.. I can see it in your eyes." You had never used seduction to manipulate people, but.. As of right now it seemed to be highly effective.

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