Chapter Fourty

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Hoodie's eyes seemed to narrow as Masky's grip on you tightened. "I know you're the bosses pet and all but don't pull me into it." Masky's tone seemed to morph into a more demonic one as he backed up with you in his arms. Hoodie stepped closer and laughed. "Masky... You stupid idiotic twig... Do you really think no is even an answer at this point? Do you really think that because you're holding that little fuck hostage in that thing you call 'love' is enough to make me drop the hat and; 'oh Masky! I didn't realize, guess I'll have to find someone else to replace her!' Bullshit? You must be out of your god damn mind."

Masky watched as you gripped his coat and edged closer much to your own displeasure; at this point it was either him or Hoodie. He narrowed his eyes and pulled you behind him, in his hand was a knife as he shook his head. "Hoodie, Brian... Buddy ol' pal of mine... You're either leaving with your tail between your legs or with your fucking teeth in a box for Alex. Your choice." He cracked his neck. "I could care less." Hoodie just chuckled.

"You and I both know you wouldn't." Masky flicked his eyes up dangerously. Seeming to hold the venom from every toxic snake in the process. "You don't know me very well then." Brian. That name made your heart sink. So that's one of Jay's friends. Your eyes widened as your gaze turned to Masky. There was no way... No fucking way. Hoodie ignored the look and gripped his pipe. "That little toy isn't going to do much to me, you know that." Masky's hand twitched. He was up to something.

"You're right Hoodsie. It won't do much on you."

This took the orange figure aback. You were too as Masky turned to you. Your heart sank as your knees locked up. "M-Masky?.." there was a pause as his voice grew soft and to the familiar one you knew from Tim. Your heart shattering as he shook his head. "Mask knows what he's doing. I'm sorry but you'll die if he doesn't do this." Your eyes grew wide as a 'sluck' sound came under you. You shakily looked down and at the blade that was now in your stomach.

"If I can't have her, nobody can." Masky spat at Hoodie as you dropped to your knees in tears and letting out sharp gasps of air, some successfully being screams as Masky pounced onto Hoodie who approached you.

Your vision started to grow blurry as your breathing shallowed. You could see their figures clashing in a blur of colors. You swallowed hard and felt the chill take you over before you ultimately blacked out.

It was bright when you woke up but it was different. Your eyes flickered around as you slowly sat up. A loud hiss of pain escaping your throat as you slowly moved the blankets on you. You noticed one of three things. First: you were patched up and not bleeding out; second: you had a chain around your ankle and it seemed to be attached to the wooden floor; and third: you were in a cabin. You didn't own a cabin.

Your eyes slowly lifted up as the door opened and in walked your puppy who

ran up to you and strategically licked your face after flinging himself onto the bed.

You hugged him and then looked up to see Masky?... Tim?... Hell you didn't even know. He carefully slid off his mask and you were met with a dark eyed Tim. "We had to bring you here." He carefully walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "M... Masky?" He nodded. "Look, you ever heard of multi personality disorder?" You nodded. "Well this is like that but... Since the operator inhabited Tim's body I was forced in and I'm kinda like a demonic force." You shakily nodded as he scooted closer.

"We still love you. Just know that nobody can hurt you now."

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now