Chapter Twenty-Eight

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You soon awoke to a start of your alarm, next to you was the shifting of your sheets. A loud groan exploded in your ears as you pushed up and out of the vines that held you captive. Masky still lay in your bed. His eyes widening under his mask as he shot up and pushed open the window. He seemed flustered and much less graceful in his actions than he had been for the time he was with you. After he tossed himself out the window and bolted away you shut the glass interior of your bedroom.

You got ready for the day and walked to school again, the morning was as crisp as it had been since the snow started. Your break was so close to coming as Christmas also was quickly approaching. Your body halfheartedly as you caught the lingering stench of a newly lit cigarette. It was at that point you had realized something. They smelled like the ones Tim smoked.. The same kind Masky smelled like. You shook your head.

Maybe it was a coincidence they smoked the same cancerous sticks that made you feel sick. You shook your head. "Maybe Tim was.. Maybe he's close." The words hung heavy on your back like a million weights. The erratic thoughts made you freeze and stare at the front of your high school. You felt your stomach fall cold as you felt eyes on your back before quickly pushing yourself ahead.

Your stomach made slight lurches. You felt like vomiting again; fortunately you didn't. You pushed the door open and were immediately consumed into chaos.

Deep in the class period you couldn't help but feel vigorously sickly and startled by every sound that came close to earshot. You laid with your head rested flat against your arms.   Your eyes flickered to the teacher as they spoke about whatever topic they discussed. You stood abruptly and slowly made your way out of the class; you ran to the closest bathroom and vomited. You kept this up until someone came to check on you. You had been holding back since that morning.

You felt so sick it made you vomit more. The person gently patted your back, you noticed the holster that held the radio. They lifted it and spoke, their  hands helping you to your feet as they walked you to the office where you waited for your father. Next to you was a trashcan and you felt so ill. You threw up again and cried- crying was not exactly the correct word. Sobbing furiously, now that was far more accurate. You were in hysterics by the time your dad picked you up.

All the way home you cried and cried. He had no clue what had happened after you ran up to scare out Masky; he didn't want to bring back bad memories and make the situation worse, so he just patted your back and shook his head. "You need a break kiddo. You need rest, food, water, and to leave for a while." You nodded and pressed yourself into your lap. Your body slowly failing on you as you cried out in agony. Your body writhed and twitched as you dry-heaved. He handed you a bottle of water and kept driving.

You drank it all in a chugging fashion before you closed your eyes and curled into the car's door. You felt your body become hazy as the radio aided you into a toxic slumber.


You woke up to your dad lightly shaking you with a bowl of soup in hand. The scent made a smile come to your face as you sat up and took it from him. "I made it so your stomach will settle.. You're going to get sicker if you don't stay hydrated so.." you nodded and dug into the food gratefully. He watched before leaving you to your devices, literally as well since your phone buzzed.

The screen read Tim, and you answered with a confused response;

'what's up?'

'Are you feeling sick?'

You froze on the spot.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now