Chapter Two

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The world seemed to collide with the cool breeze of midnight approaches. You could hear the howls and moans of the breeze smack against your window. The school day was over, and for that you were grateful. Downstairs you could hear your dad cooking. You and he weren't close but it was a mutual bond. Your eyes tiredly gazed at the pages as the thought of school made you groan. Honestly, you wanted to drop out and live your own life. Go off become an author or an artist, maybe even someone who's into music.

You knew these thoughts were all in vain though. You had the rest of the year to go. You were a senior in high school and it filled you with joy thinking about how close you were to be able to leave this town and never come back. You blew a {HC} strand from your face and stared at the boom before smacking it shut and elegantly sliding from the desk.

You turned away from the window but had to do a double take. "What the.." You dropped to the carpeted floor and sauntered over to the windowsill with a silent precision. Your face grew pale as you looked into the road. Under the dimly lit street was someone staring not in your direction but in your yard. You couldn't quite make out their face but you could see the fluorescent glow of the creme mask they wore.

You gave a shudder as you watched the individual steadily. Your breathing quickening as you ducked catching their face spin in your direction. Something was wrong something was very, very wrong.. The way they seemed to look your way made your skin crawl. It made ice seem like a heavenly temperature as the vanilla white face of the individual glared your way.

"Fuck, what if... What if they saw me.." You mumbled aloud before slowly lifting your head again as to not expose much of your face. Woah and behold, there they were. Still standing and staring at your window with a deeply treacherous intensity that sent spears down your spine. You backed away again and slowly reached up to your light, flicking it off, and disappearing down the hall to a different room to get a better look.

Hopefully, they were just a figment of your imagination. It seemed to always be active this late at night anyway. It filled you with a sense of dread when you stooped to the floor of the bathroom with the light off, hiding your frame in the dark when you spotted the individual fixated on your bedroom window. It sent a spiral of shocks down your spine as they started walking to it. They paused mid-step when your houses floodlights came on.

In a hurry; they retreated down the narrow road and disappeared out of sight after looking back a couple times. You swore that you could feel their eyes baring up at you despite them not actually knowing your location. Tonight would be one hell of a night...
You walked back to your room and locked all the windows, shut all the blinds and headed downstairs to consume the supper your father made.

He'd deem you insane if you mentioned anything to him so you kept it to yourself. After dinner, you would be sure to lock down the whole house, triple check if you had to. Something wasn't right about that person and thinking about how you couldn't make out their face only made your stomach churn and moan in despair.

Though come to think of it you were probably just hungry and exhausted. You finished dinner, cleaned up and as promised, locked every door, window, and any other entryway. You were not about to let some weirdo get into your house and sabotage your life. Forget that!
"Hey, dad you gonna be up for awhile?" He gave you a nod. "Please make sure I locked every single door in this house." And with that; you ascended the stairs to get some sleep.

You heard the floodlights flick on occasionally but disregarded it, the smell of smoke from the morning, however, seemed to seep through your window and make you uncomfortable. You turned and faced the wall, falling into a restless slumber to await the day tomorrow. Maybe not with as much carelessness though...

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now