Chapter Eleven

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You stood captivated by your own thoughts as the spiraled through your head like a subway train. The fear in your eyes was more potent than it had ever been as you stared up the stairs. He had shattered your bedroom window; that was bad but you barricaded the door at that point. Any windows were dimmed and shaded to hide your silhouette in darkness to give you, well what you hoped was an advantage.

You debated calling the police but he was gone, he had taken his leave and would be back at any given moment. "He's actually going to kill me." You thought aloud in a hushed tone.
"I'm going to fucking die before I graduate." Your once upbeat, the optimistic attitude was now gone. The moment now was a brief memory that was put in a chokehold by fear.

Your body seemed to quiver as your phone rang softly. This horrified you and you quickly silenced it by answering. "Hello?.." You spoke softly as to not blow your cover if that hadn't already happened. "How's everything?" Your dad's tone was genuine as he sensed the tense aura radiating through the line. "He came back and broke in my window. I've locked down the house and have 911 on speed dial."
His response was short as your attention snapped to the front door slightly shaking.

"I'm coming home."
With that, he hung up and the once soft knocking turned into banging.
"Y/N open the door please~"
You regretted throwing a response but out of reflex and through new tears that rolled down your face you screamed:
"NO!" That one damned word was going to be the death of you, and truth be told it wouldn't have surprised you if he crashed through the flimsy door.

Instead, your fearful retaliation was met with laughter. Your stomach tightened as you began feeling nauseated as his dark cackle rang from outside. "You can't and won't disobey me, pet." His voice was shaking with rage. "You're mine. I marked you." He hissed. You felt the urge to snap the mask on his face over the sadistic grin you could hear him wearing. "I will and there's nothing you can do about it! I don't belong to you! I never fucking will!" You grew bold and stared at the door. In your hand was the bottle of sparkling juice, in the other the phone as you recorded the altercation.

"Oh, princess.." he hesitated as his hand jerked the door causing it to crack and twist against the hinges. "You're already mine... And there's nothing you can do about it." Your stomach churned as you fell silent. In your head a million thoughts raced through your mind; in that million one stuck out.
Play along
You felt your stomach cave as you slowly approached the door and gripped the handle.

In the midst of your movement he paused. "Princess~ Let me in." You stared at the quivering hand that held the door. If you could stall him long enough your dad would take care of the rest. You shot him a text, threw your phone and inhaled. "If I do what will you do to me?" Your voice cracked and all bravery melted away from you in that moment. In a matter of a switch flipping, his voice grew smooth and gentle.

"Nothing you don't want to, my sweet. I just want to know you better. Maybe watch a movie and bond." You would have almost forgotten he was a complete psycho if not for the last sentence, "besides you'll be with me for eternity so we might as well get used to each others company." You let go of the handle and in hearing you he got angry again. He started slamming against the door and the cracking and popping persisted.

You froze in your place as in the milliseconds of the door being slit the two of you made eye contact. In his blatant rage, he almost resembled a demon out of hell. He looked like a lunatic and in the twisted turn of events, his voice became as thick as static.

"You'll look so cute restrained in my basement." You dashed to the bathroom in a haze and hurled, your adrenaline rush giving you fatal consequences as you watched the bile pool in the once crystal clear water below. Your eyes began to burn from crying and throwing up. You could hear him laughing at you from all directions. It echoed like a sick song in your head. You ducked your head and screamed. This scream would send shivers down anyone's spine as you gripped your body tightly and curled beside the toilet.

You sat and cried to yourself as the world began spinning. Your vision grew dark, breathing began to shallow, and the world began to play in slow motion.
Moments later:
You were out cold.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now