Chapter Twenty-Five

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Your body was shaking by the time you had reached your home. You beat your dad by just a few seconds but you had managed to make it look like you had been there for about thirty minuets. You already had food laid out in front of you, your eyes fell dull as you reminisced about Tim. Tim seemed.. Off. You were concerned for your friend's wellbeing but you didn't really know why; the sense of dread that invaded you as you sat staring at the toast you made rendered you to highly fretful for what you dragged him into.

Your dad walked in to see you having an internal crisis, but said nothing. He kissed your temple and then took a seat beside you. You looked up and noticed the distant look in his eyes as yours soon filled with the same emotion. "Dad..?" You started before he just held his hand up and took a grave look at the windows. "I seen him on the way home. He was hiding in the trees just.. Watching." A shrill spiral of daggers impaled your back as you grew afraid. The fear that seemed to blind and constrict you was overbearing. You wanted to scream but nothing would have came out.

Your throat began to burn as you slowly stood and started locking the doors. Each door you locked; each window nailed down; each light flickered off; and each room was checked. You felt so afraid as you and your dad sat in the kitchen. Outside the wind blew and rattled against the glass sanctuary that held you captive. You held your breath as what seemed to be scraping sounded from outside. You listened in silence

That seemed almost like hours had passed. You and your dad exchanged a look before you heard it. That loud sound from your room of the window being unlocked. You had locked it, you had nailed it closed; you did everything to keep him out, but no matter what you did he would always get back in. You felt your dad's icy palm wrap around your mouth as you heard your name be shouted from up the stairs.

Your eyes slightly dimmed as the thumping of his boots against the floor was apparent. You slowly stood up much to your dad's dismay. He went to question you but you bolted up the stairs, pushing open the door like you had never heard of door hinges and tackled Masky into a tight.. Embrace. He was taken aback by this as the door shut behind you and you buried your face into his chest.

'A bittersweet reunion.' You thought to yourself as his arms wrapped around you and rubbed your sides. "Hello~" his voice was above a whisper at this point as he spoke. "H-hey." You managed as you stood up and locked the door so your dad wouldn't interfere. 'I already lost one parent.. I can't loose the other.' As that thought crosses your mind you sat back down on Masky's lap and played with his hair.

He seemed to grin at you; so much so, that you could just feel it. You were so concerned that he'd realize this attention was all in vain. You never meant any of the things you did for him. A gentle kiss was placed on his masked lips and you flashed a small and weak smile at him. "I-I missed you." You said softly while curling his hair in your fingers. "Good." He seemed to be at ease hearing this so you continued by again, pressing your lips onto those of the mask.

He hummed and let a low growl leave his lips as he pulled you closer by your collar. In a flash his mask was tilted to reveal his all too familiar smirk. His lips hitting yours like an ice covered road. "Do you love me?" You stared up as he pulled away. You let a soft breath leave your lips as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed his slightly revealed cheek. "Y-yes sir."


Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now