Chapter Nine

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A week passed; the only thing you could label as strange or standoffish was that apparently you had a fanbase in the woman's prison and you were a piece of eye candy. You didn't know whether to be worried or flattered because, in all honesty, it's a thrill ride to think about. You had seen your mom and, what a relief it was, to say the least. With each day that continued memories of your unfortunate encounter drifted away with blissful precision.

A faint sway in your hips was noticeable as you danced to your music, the speakers seemed to blow as you sang along and smirked. This was your time. Dad was away at work and it was again the weekend. You already had a pizza coming and you already picked out movies to binge watch on Netflix. A grin spread across your face as quick as lightning as you finished up prepping the living room.

"Woah; a hot guy smiled at me without a trace of mockery~" You threw your head back and laughed as you skidded against the wooden base of the floor that sent you into a fit of laughter. You were absolutely carefree and it was amazing! You hadn't felt this free since you left middle school. Your giggles died down as well as the tempo of your music as you answered the welcoming buzz of the doorbell.

You were at complete ease and when you opened the door you couldn't help but grin still. "You look like you're having fun." The pizza-man chimed with a chuckle. "Oh, you have no idea." You mumbled as you paid. You soon bought the box to the small coffee table in front of the tv and closed your eyes; you couldn't help but take a hit of the succulent aroma that wavered through the rooms like a pleasant cologne.

You muttered to yourself and after much debate; turned on American Horror Story. While that was running you took the liberty of grabbing your sparkling grape juice and brought it to your side to aid you in your feast. Well, at least it was like a feast to you since you figured you couldn't tackle this by yourself. Much to your dismay, you didn't have friends that lived near you; people from high school aren't the best to keep around since all they do is cry and whine about drama.

And the drama was something you typically liked to avoid so you wouldn't hear gossip about yourself. Thankfully you had a low enough profile most people didn't notice you enough to cause an issue. You shrugged at the thought. You'd probably Skype your internet friends later so it didn't really matter. You sighed in content as the beginning of your show began to play. But a thought began to arise; the thought that started to make you tick and twitch as you nervously chuckled.

In the eerie sounds that emanated from the speakers, you swore you hear tapping. Not just any kind of tapping, that distinct and spastic tapping that sent a blizzard down your spine. You flicked the show off quickly as you made yourself a bit frightened. Every noise made a small bit of your stomach drop; you slowly began to lose your appetite and in a matter of minutes you had to put the pizza away for later.

The bottle of sparkling juice still sat at your side like an obedient dog. "What I wouldn't give for a real one." You thought aloud as you gripped the neck of the bottle and twisted it open. With a  pleasant 'crack' the bottle's opening was soon pressed against your lips and you downed a couple mouthfuls to ease your mind. You'd always been fond of the bubbly drink and whenever your hands gripped a bottle it always felt like the very first time.

Your eyes fluttered before you choked on the cool liquid as you heard a loud 'BAM'

Your face turned pale and you grew stiff as an all too familiar voice rang out from the other side of the window.

"Y/N open the door~"

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now