Chapter Twenty-Six

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Every knot in your stomach seemed to churn in a rustic and hypnotic pattern. As he held the collar with a couple of his fingers he would occasionally ask you for a kiss. You would comply of course; not that.. You had a choice. He grinned each time as it seemed to please him. 'Do it for dad.' You slowly ran your fingers down his covered chest while staring at the toxic man that held you hostage in your own room. Your pulse quickened when his lips brushed your newly bandaged neck. "How smart.. So it doesn't get infected."

His eyes flicked up to yours; his gaze was like snake. Dangerous and poised to strike at any given moment. You gripped his coat as he lifted you and carried you to your bed. His arms still tightly around your body as he sat and curled your hair between his fingers. "I see that you're a good little pet.." his voice grew into that crooked and almost broken static. You flinched when he touched your chin and bit your lip; he pulled back with it and you whined in protest.

Your face was red with embarrassment as he continue to lightly pull and suck on the bottom of your lip. You let out more soft whines that he just ignored before he released your swollen lip and kissed down to your jawbone. His eyes again, flickering up to yours as he pushed hair out of your vision. "Beautiful.." you heard him mutter in that sultry tone he had. It burned your ears and made you want to scream. You felt a buildup of crying again, but held it back.

You had to stop being weak.. The more you cried the more satisfaction it gave him. You would be nobodies puppet in this little show he had playing. Your hand was taken by his as he released your neck. He examined your dainty fingers before kissing from atop your hand to your cheek. The feeling of his hot breaths made you want to wretch.  You could smell the alcohol, forest, and cigarettes. You scrunched your nose up and pulled away carefully. Your head wresting on his shoulder in a tired and delicate fashion.

He began to play with your hair and slide his hands over and through the mane you had. His hand slowly went to your back as he rubbed softly. This.. Gentle touching made you nervous. What was he planning? He wasn't suppose to be affectionate. "You're so beautiful, my little {Y/N}. One day I'll take you away from here. One day you can finally be mine.. After all we were meant to be one.. You're mine.." he paused at the gentle touching as he grinned. "You were meant to be mine.. and I'm all that you'll ever need.."

His tone was growing colder and his movements became far more violent. His gentle strokes were now his nails, slowly digging into you. You winced and spun your head to look him in the eyes. A crooked grin was on his face. What you could make of his eyes seemed to be the pits of hell, and to top it off his head was.. Tilted to the side. "Y-yes sir." You responded and hesitated to kiss up to him. The way he looked sent shivers down your spine as his low growl wavered through the air.

"Masky." You gently touched his cheek. His dazed eyes snapped into your direction. "I-I love you." You said softly before kissing him. Your body went rigid as he gripped your shirt and pressed his lips harder against yours. His hand holding you until he was satisfied. "Damn right you do." He hissed as he pulled away. You sat panting for air as a couple tears rolled down your face. "I'll be back tomorrow I have an errand to run.. Be good for me." You nodded and once he departed;

You broke down into tears, locking the window behind him after you were sure he was gone.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now