Chapter Thirty-Three

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{POV Change}

I stared at them as they questioned me. My eyebrows raising as I sat up and tilted my head to the side. "What do you mean, who am I really?" They shut their eyes and rested on my shoulder. They didn't respond with an answer they just repeated the question. I shook my head and took in a breath. Tim was screaming at me and was making my head hurt. I grunted as my eyes narrowed into thin slits. "I'm the guy who's going to own you after you graduate high school."

I watched their body grow stiff as a chuckle rumbled out of my throat. "You have a problem with it?" I tightened my grip on their waist and licked my lips. "N-no sir." They mumbled and squirmed under my grip. I hummed in an almost sick fashion while tipping my head side-to-side. "Good, pet. It is smart to stay submissive," I paused as I received an overwhelmingly bad headache. Tim began to scream and make my ears ring.

"You're so fucked when I'm done here." I hissed aloud. I startled {Y/N} but that doesn't matter. He isn't allowed out because then they aren't mine. They belong to me. "You think you're hot shit huh?" I started. "You think you're so big and fucking bad huh?" I grabbed a fistful of {Y/N}'s hair and pulled them close. "Guess fucking what," I smirked and slammed my lips up against theirs as they gripped my coat. "They'll always love me more." My eyes closed as his yelling continued.

A deep scarlet red lit up over their cheeks while I pushed them back into their mattress. Their soft yelps filling my ears while my hand pressed them back and held them down. "Now, who's the boss?" I questioned with a husky chuckle. "Y-you're the boss," I smirked and pressed them down harder. "What's my name?" I muttered. "Masky." I hummed and sunk my nails down into their chest harder. "I couldn't hear you, repeat that for me."

"Masky!" They hissed softly; their eyes closing in embarrassment. I smirked and straddled their hips to keep them down and on the mattress for a while. "Very good." You shut your eyes as my hand gently caressed under your chin and held you up to face me. "Such a good little pet." I hummed and squeezed roughly. You looked in the opposite direction after I released you and got up.

I chuckled and watched their eyes fall to the ground as I headed to the window. "Don't look so down, precious. I'll be back." In the commotion from before, the small puppy that was once asleep was growling and snapping at my heels as I jumped out of the bedroom and into the snow below. I felt the icy wind blast my ears and face from behind my mask as I ran and became engulfed in the welcoming arms of the forest yet again. My control began to fade as Tim fought. I dropped to the ground a moment later with a painful howl.

I ripped off the mask as Masky began to fade away again. My nails dug into my skull as I screamed louder. "Stay the hell away from them you fucking monster!" I threw myself into a tree repetitively and earned rough and painful bruises in the process. Tears were rolling down my face as I continued the endless fight with myself that I knew I'd never win. If it meant protecting {Y/N} I had to try. It.. It was inevitable the real outcome, but I had to keep fighting.

If not for myself then for them. I continued this thought while running farther and father into the woods. If i could get far enough he wouldn't go back. I ran to a point I thought my legs were going to break from under me. I swore I could hear him cackling with each stump I avoided, each tree I ran into. I had to keep him away, I had no other choice.

"I'm so sorry {Y/N}.."

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