Chapter Sixteen

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All night you could feel eyes on you. This made you hesitate to go to your room with a bottle of your imperfect ambrosia. The bottle with a light red ribbon swayed from your hand as you opened the door; you winced as you stared at the window that slowly opened. "Knock, knock~" You set the bottle down and shut your door tightly.  Your eyes never left the floor once he stood in the center of your room. His frizzy and rigid hair poked out in every which way.

"I see you got my gifts." He motioned to you and the drink that sat at your feet. "I happen to be, well out and about and I thought of you, isn't that lovely?" You nodded and kept your eyes hidden to the floor, the bottle settling beside you as you tried to think of something to say. You, you were actually terrified but decided it'd be better not to piss him off. "Did you... Try any?" Your voice was shaky as you spoke.

He seemed to grin under the mask, pleased at hearing your voice. "Actually yes, a bit sweet for my taste but it reminds me of how sweet you are." His words sickened you but you reminded yourself to stay on his good side. "Thank you, Masky." You mumbled softly as the bed dipped in beside you. You could feel his eyes burn into you; his body shifting so he was staring right at you. You fidgeted nervously as he reached forwards at your neck and played with the tag on your collar.

"It's a cute touch isn't it?~ and you're so sweet having listened to directions." His voice was soft and relaxed as he raised his hand to your chin and lifted it tentatively. His thumb fell still against your skin before rubbing in a circular motion to ease your nerves. "You're so cute when you're afraid, but I like this intimacy we have, don't you agree my lovely?" You nodded with your chin still cupped in his hand and slowly lifted your head away to drink from the now opened bottle in your hands. In the midst of his speaking, you had cracked it open while fiddling with anything to take your mind off the situation.

He grinned with amusement as he watched you. "How quaint." He chuckled before petting your hair and squeezing you into his side like the night before. "Now, how's my lovely {Y/N}?" He asked in a sing-song tone. You swallowed hard and closed your eye tightly as you winced. Hearing your name fall off his lips felt like you had been dunked in acid and left to rot. You twisted your face into a collected smile. "I enjoyed it... How was yours?"

He pushed his hair back with his hand and chuckled. "It's better now that we're meeting face-to-face my lovely." He hummed. "Much more civil than our previous encounters, hm?" He taunted as a sick smile twisted under his mask with each word he spoke. You submissively nodded as your eyes never took off of anything but his face. You drank the carbonated liquid gold with shaky hands as he moved closer. "What's going on in that pretty little head?" He inquired with a grin on his now uncovered mouth.

You looked up and shook your head; he was not pleased by this but you quickly threw out: "I miss my mom." You froze like a deer in headlights as he froze in his place. He thought for a time and you just stared at his chest in silence. He soon wrapped his arms around you and stared ahead like he was at a loss for words. He had been wondering where she was since all he ever seemed to see was your dad. You leaned into his embrace much to your own displeasure. You, unfortunately, needed a hug after that thought crossed your mind.

With that thought came others that made you break down into tears. Masky was of course taken aback by this, but he tried his best in his chaotic mind to settle your sudden tears. He did feel something for you aside from wanting to terrify you. He needed you. You were his and nothing could ever take you away from him. He gripped hold of you and wiped away the tears as a slow smile crept across his face.

"I'll make them disappear, my lovely. All of the people who hurt you won't exist anymore."  His voice grew crooked and twisted as you cried out of fear and pain that ached in your whole body; sending you into a blackout in his arms.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now