Chapter Four

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"So it turns out, dad's gone. Fantastic." You stared at the empty bedroom after you had searched everywhere else to no avail. To your utmost horror, the front door was wide open and you were once again solivagant. Your sock covered feet padded along the floor after you shut and locked the front door. On the counter was where your eyes cast on a note.

The note read: "Honey, I'll be gone for a while. Going to watch the game at a friends house and won't be able to drive sober! I'll be home much later. Sorry!" -Dad

To your utmost disbelief; your cries for help from the previous events would have rendered useless. The masked figure would have killed you, and your dad would have never known. What made your bones ache was the fact an hour later; the pounding on the walls, on the doors that lead outside, and on windows started up. They knew you were alone.

You crept back to your room as the psithurism hit your window and rattled against the flimsy glass. You felt so safe at one point; now you weren't even sure if your house was able to be labeled that. You quietly crept up the stairs and into your dad's room. After barricading the windows you started to email your mom. You knew she couldn't do anything to help you, but it would give you closure.

In the reflective glass with dim lighting, you could see the bruises had gotten worse; and that they had seemed to grow. Your hands shook with each tap of a key; your body twitched and shifted with each: "BANG" that came from downstairs. Your heart began to race again as you heard the locks being fiddled with. Your body pressed against the bed frame as you heard footsteps on the... On the roof?

Someone was outside, that was obvious; there was also someone on the roof, and someone unlocking the door. Your eyes squeezed shut as the trumpeting of footsteps commenced right above your head, and you could swear you heard yelling. Just then- it all stopped. Everything, it was like time itself decided to freeze and you were stuck in an eerie silence.

'thump, thump, thump..'
A dragging noise sounded from outside. You slowly etched your weight to the window and looked out. You saw nothing. You slowly crawled out of the room and down the flight of stairs. You could see... Nothing. Absolutely nobody.
There was no silhouette, no creepy shadow that loomed in front of the door; there was absolutely nothing. A shiver ran through your body as you quietly stepped into the dark void of the living room.

Were you just being paranoid? Because none of this was adding up. "Maybe... Maybe I'm just sleep deprived..?" You sighed. You looked over at the time and fidgeted nervously. It was almost time for you to get ready and undoubtedly there was no way in Hell you were getting outside knowing there was someone out there that was planning on killing you.

You dialed the school's number and explained to the answering machine you would be absent for the day. All the while, a chill began spinning against your skin as eyes seemed to stab holes into your back.
Hanging up, you turned and let a puff of air designate from your lips and dissipate in front.
"It's gonna be okay.." You thought aloud. "I just have to relax." And with that thought:

You headed upstairs to indulge yourself in some reading, music, and soft candlelight to calm your nerves.

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