Chapter Six

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"You look so vulnerable when you're sleeping.."

You approached the window and tentatively lifted it open. Upon further inspection, the note was just written in red pen that was scribbled. At least you had that going for you, right? Your eyes raised when you heard a whistle and you stared into the road. There he stood. In the light of fucking day. He had the audacity to taunt you off the road. His neck was tipped to the side and his mask rest against his face to deceive you of his features;

This rendered a photo-op useless in this situation. A slight boldness overcame you as you shouted from the window: "Your mask makes you look like a girl!" In your throat a bile, a foul bile arose at an alarming pace. He started racing into the yard, leaping over your fence with such a rush it startled you and caused you to slam your window down and hold it down with all your weight.

You were met face-to-face with him now. He stood outside your window after clambering up the small staircase that leads to your roof and curled around the building. You could see faint trickles of bloodstains that slid down his masked face where you had struck him during the night. His hands clamped down on the window; the movement not deterring you as you pressed down harder.

He watched with what seemed to be amusement as he started pushing up while humming a tune. His eyes narrowing behind the black fabric that sheltered his eyes from the light and more importantly: from you. You gritted your teeth as you felt your nails lifting off the skin and embedded themselves into the windowsill. The color began draining from your face as he brought his hand higher.

Your attempts at keeping the window shut were growing more futile every passing second. You realized something though as his free hand slithered under the window. Blood began pulsating rapidly through you as you watched in desperation. You had a plan that wasn't exactly flaw-free, but it was worth a shot-

With a yell, you pressed down in one rapid motion and slammed his hand into the window.
Well; at least that's what happened in your head. In the flash that was you trying to save yourself, he had shoved his shoe in the way and stopped it from shutting. "You shouldn't have actually expected that to work.." He muttered as he pushed the rest of his body through. He motioned to his boots triumphantly.

"Steel-toe got to love em'." He again muttered to himself. His voice was hoarse and almost.. Distorted. It made your body shake as he stepped closer, his lengthy frame towering over you as you backed up.
"You know," he said with a pause as he stared at the remains of your shattered lamp and his blood. "You almost gave me a concussion.."

His voice dropped. It made your eye color grow dim as you looked around for something, anything to defend yourself with. He followed your frantic gaze; a chuckle escaping behind his mask. He ran his fingers through his nappy and matted hair as you saw the brief smile. It was quickly hidden as mask hid it. Your back tightly pressed against your bedroom door and you began to frantically claw at the handle.

His hand shot out and grabbed yours tightly gripping it against the wood and making a sick 'pop' you whined loudly as tears began to prick at the ends of your lashes. He lifted his mask and flashed you a dark smirk. You turned your head away and cried out as he leaned forward and licked off the tears that rolled down.

You clenched your eyes shut even more than they already were. You could feel his shaky breath against the cold damp skin as you pressed against your door harder than before, it was to a point you could hear it creak and moan under your weight.
"Make a sound and I'll smash your pretty little face in like you did to my head, princess."

Your head was jerked upwards as he made you stare into his eyes, you fixated your vision and stared deeply into the dark pits of his mask. He had pulled his mask back into place and you could see it lift up as his lips held that dark and tainted smirk. You felt his hand tug you away from the door roughly by your neck. With each hesitating step, he would yank you harder causing you to choke.

You were once again thrown to your bed and he chuckled eerily. "You should sleep, those bruises won't heal themselves if you don't relax." He placed the ice pack against your neck, not as roughly before standing and observing you. You stared at him in fear as his sickly kindness made the encounter all the more bittersweet. "Relax~" he purred. "I'm leaving anyways... I'll see you later, kid."

And with that being said:
He left. He closed your window and left. You were absolutely speechless.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now