Chapter Fifteen

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After slipping on your all too ironic steel toe boots you trudged to your dad's car through the snow with him whistling away as he headed up with his keys in hand. You glanced up and took a look at the sidewalk and the familiar aroma of smoke wafted through the air. Your turned your head and met eyes with a pair of chocolate brown ones. You smiled and waved as you opened the passenger seat. "Hey, Tim." You greeted.

He gave a small wave of his hand as he puffed smoke to the side. "Sup' babe." He grinned. "Cute collar you got there." He mentioned softly as a red hue tinted his already flushed face. You gave a small half smile before sitting in the car and buckling your seatbelt. The small acknowledgment that you had a friend made butterflies appear in your stomach. You actually made a friend, and for once you weren't the one who initiated the friendship. Your dad nudged you with a furrowed brow. "Who's the lumberjack?"

He motioned to Tim as he disappeared down the plowed pavement. "Our new neighbor I guess. He's really nice." You hummed softly to the buzz of the radio that rocketed to life; your eyes lit up with awe as familiar tunes blasted into your ears. "He came over yesterday and introduced himself." You finished your long hesitated sentence as you nearly forgot you were speaking in the first place.

He nodded; unsure how to address the glint in your eyes. "He gonna be your new friend?" You looked at him as he started driving. "Maybe, I don't know honestly but I hope so. I need friends, a social life is very important to society apparently." You stated matter-of-factly. He again, nodded as he hummed to the music with you before turning it up; much to your delight it wasn't sappy music or anything like that, actually, it was Twenty Øne Piløts: Ride.

This song was yours, your father, and mother's song. You'd all sing it during car rides to wherever and it always seemed to bring you good memories. Personally; all your music brought you some sense of joy or closure. It was defiantly a good perk you had managed to grasp in your lifetime. Your eyes glittered as you stared out the window. Lights for Christmas seemed to decorate the houses you passed and each one made you feel both happy and slightly depressed.

You remember all the times that you and your mom had left the house to go light hunting and it was your guys' tradition. Dad was always busy and too tired to take you anywhere and it broke your heart a little. You let a sigh flood against the glass pane and watched it fog up. Your gaze never left the outside as you started out breathlessly at the lights. You would have taken a picture to send to your mom but she had run out of stamps to email you and had to wait to get some money.

This took a couple days but you digressed. At least it didn't take as long as your papers coming back from wherever they did to the prison. You shut your eyes and listened to the car heater blow against your body and engulf you in a bittersweet embrace. Your dad looked over at you and laid a broad hand on the center of your back; he said nothing but you got the hint. He kept his eyes ahead and sighed to himself.

You stood in the linoleum aisles of the grocery store and listened to music while following your dad like a lost puppy. It was a rather interesting sight to see; a nineteen-year-old still wandering behind their dad like a small child. You disregarded it though. You promised your mom that'd you'd wait for her to come home before going off on your own. Going alone at this point gave you an anxiety attack.

You had almost thought of waiting a couple more years but you knew your parents would obviously tire of your presence and make you leave the coop. Your eyes landed on your dad as you stood in the check-out area.  Had time really gone that fast?...

You helped your dad pack up the trunk before the ride back home, on the way you picked up some Chinese; that was always a plus, and even a couple of the remaining stock of sparkling grape juice.

You walked up to the front door with bags in hand before you stared in a daze at the sight before you. Your favorite sparkling grape juice sat in the snow, each wrapped with a bow of different variation with your name on them. You already knew who had brought them.

"Thanks, I.. I guess."  You said to nobody while opening the front door and pushing in. You grabbed the two bottles and carried them to where you always stashed the others and carried on with your night.

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