Chapter Thirty-One

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Hours had passed, Tim had left you with Sparky, as you had named him. Not many dogs these days had that name anymore... You exhaled and started up your laptop to look up some... Well more resourceful things like how to train your puppy, how to set traps in windows, and self-defense classes. You stared outside and noticed that your dad still wasn't home... Actually you never even knew he had left. You looked down at the vacant driveway and sighed. Sparky barked and pawed around the room; much to your amusement he had tripped a couple times on air.

You stood when he scratched at the door and then you realized, neither of you had eaten in a while. You grabbed a hold of your companion and took to the kitchen where you created a sandwich for yourself and a bit of lunch meat for the dog. You let out a kind and gentle breeze flow from your lips as you laid your head down when you had finished. It was so quiet tonight... It surprised you that. Masky had yet to show his face.

Your fingers grazed the sensitive patch of skin on your neck. You could feel the smoothed and lifted scar that covered the wound. The scar was forming again to seal it but the only thing it was at the moment was an indented letter that symbolized a terrible story. Despite your best efforts you couldn't help but grin at the thought of you having a personal protector. You'd love to see Masky try to get anywhere near you while Tim was around. 'It'd be a great surprise to him.'

You grinned to yourself again as the thought of his terrified expression when Tim came in a saved you. To your delight, you stood and walked yourself into the bathroom to shower. This would bring you great relief since you were alone and free to do whatever until your dad came back from... Wherever he had gone off to. You called for Sparky who was whining to find where you had disappeared. With a side-splitting grin, you lifted the pup into the water to clean him first and then take your shower.

You stood with a sigh as the water rolled and caressed your skin; when you looked in the mirror you couldn't help but muse at the thought you looked like a Greek god in the glint of the bathroom's dimmed lights. Much to your own self-pleasure, you continued to gawk at yourself in the mirror and did so for some time before finishing up with your not-so-quick shower. You were so caught up with staring at yourself you had almost forgotten to turn the water to a warmer temperature.

"You look nice, my lovely." You looked up from the water that pooled below you and froze like a deer in headlights. In the doorway of the bathroom; was Masky in the flesh. Sparky growled at him and began to go after his shoes. Much to the puppy's dismay, however, he couldn't actually do any damage to the lengthy burly man that stood before him. You felt nausiated and actually had to take a seat on the showers floor. You screamed at him to get out as you scrambled for the towel.

You watched him shut the door as Sparky began growling and attacking at the wooden door he hid behind. You quickly wrapped yourself in the towels and picked up Sparky. He nearly bit off Masky's nose when you stumbled past and locked yourself up in your room. You debated on calling Tim to come help you but deep down you knew it wouldn't work. Something would go wrong and you would have to watch your friend/boyfriend be beaten mercilessly by the masked man who waited for you outside of your room.

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