Chapter Thirteen

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"By the way; my name's Tim."

Your hands fidgeted to your sides as he rested his forearm against the doorframe. To be quaint, he was attractive and you; you could admit you didn't exactly look too great. You swore you knew his face as he leaned in, he seemed formidable but you couldn't pinpoint why. His eyes flicked to the M that was scarred into your skin before he stepped off of your doorstep and left his home. You watched him disappear down the road before you closed and locked the door. In all honesty, he didn't look like a bad guy.

Then again everyone at this point scared you senseless. Everyone around you made you nervous since the incidents that occurred. You shrugged it off though and went back to listening to your music as you filled out some homework. This was tedious work but you would manage, after all, you had survived not one, not two, but three encounters with someone you could only assume to be a serial killer.

That had to be worth some sort of exponential credit, right? Not many people lived or could tell the tales if they even had one. You grinned to yourself as you hummed. Now, in the past you weren't as confident, but hey. Life and death situations can very quickly change your opinion of yourself almost immediately. With that thought crossing your mind you kicked back and walked downstairs; much to your delight as you dug through the freezer, you found your smoothie.

You snatched it from the cold confines and raced to your room with the speed of lightning, the thundering of your feet accompanied this motion. It was appealing, to say the least as you took in a large drink of the fruity delight. It might be cold and snowy outside, but hey, a smoothie's a smoothie. Your happiness lingered however as your eyes faded over the replaced window that you had nailed shut.

This window would forever and always be a grisly reminder that guy was still out and about. You turned your eyes to your tv and you grinned. Netflix called your name as you flicked on Moana. This movie, especially a certain Linnamon-Roll filled you with glee to drown out the dread that filled you. You had a new security system installed since your father was worried about your wellbeing.

You couldn't be more grateful.

With a sip of your drink and a blast of cheerful music that filled your ears; you waited for your fathers return home. It was almost like hours had passed. Your eyes grew evermore dreary as your body soon began failing you. The clouds beneath you seemed to carry you off to rest. Your head turned to the darkened window as the misty white blobs of snow remain undisturbed.

You slowly shut your eyes and faded away once again into a secure and welcoming slumber.

Later that night you shifted as you heard shuffling outside and the snaps of your window begin to lift as your eyes snapped open to the blow of ghostly cold air that scratched and stabbed at your skin. There he stood in his infamous masked glory. His head rested cocked to the right on his shoulder.

"Miss me?" His voice made your head rock as you backed up to the corner of your bed. You could just feel the sickening grin on his face while he took a seat at the edge of your bed and removed his boots.

"I missed you~" His voice cooed as he threw a look over his shoulder and at your quaking form; much to his delight he crawled over and yanked your body into his. Fat tears began to roll off of your face as he lifted his mask and flashed a crooked grin. "Don't cry, you're wasting precious tears on our reunion!" He tightly squeezed you into his side while he kicked up the blanket and lay beside you.

"Now tell me.." his voice was quaint and almost childlike as he played with the wispy strands of hair that layered down your head. "How much do you love me?" His question racked your brain as your heart seemed to freeze. Your tears only worsened as you hesitated to respond. A frown appeared on his visible lips as he shot you a look; a look that made you flinch back into your wall.

"I'll ask again my precious {Y/N}." His voice was harsher now as he rose your chin in his direction. "How much do you love me." Your breathing quickened and hitched as you managed to whimper out, "I-I love you more than my life." This little whisper in his ear was all he needed. He released your chin and pulled you into a bittersweet embrace. His hand pushing hairs down your head as he hummed.

"My lovely, you have school tomorrow correct?" He snapped at the end and made you jerk back. "Y-yes." You stammered frantically as your life flashed in your eyes. A rumble of a chuckle came from his chest as he laid back and forcefully pulled you with him. "That means you need to rest then, my lovely." Your pillow that was now covered with your tears hugged your face; Masky just grinned.

"That means you need to go back to sleep... Goodnight my lovely {Y/N}." He watched as you curled up as tightly around yourself as you could. He patted your thigh and laid back on the mattress with a satisfied cackle.

"Sweet dreams my lovely, lovely, {Y/N}.."

Your tears and Masky slowly coaxed you to sleep and you silently prayed that you would wake back up.

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